note from the author

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So anyone who knows my works knows I'm not usually a "one and done" type of author. If I write something, it's gonna be a long-haul work with multiple chapters, likely a hell of a lot of angst and drama with some promise of a happily ever after. No movie or TV show really ever prompted me to think "I have to write something in reaction to this."

Of course it's this TV show that flips that all on its head. I watched "Camouflage" and absolutely had to write something in response. Nolan Price has been one of my favorite characters since I saw him on screen, and Hugh Dancy completely ruled this episode. I had a plan to just write the one piece, a kind of "what if" and leave it for readers' imaginations.

Then out came "Benefit Of The Doubt," which in addition to the "Gimme Shelter" crossover, gave me another episode to point at and say "this is why I like Frank Cosgrove."  So that needed another piece written about it . . . and there I went down the rabbit hole.

So now this is an entire series (I guess I'll call this practice for when I tackle this ship in The First Responders Files), and while it's a group of one-shots on Ao3, I'll be posting them all under the same book here. Semper Ad Meliora is Latin for "always towards better things," and each chapter - one for each episode - has a Latin title as well. I blame this on Law & Order for having Hugh Dancy speak and translate Latin in "Camouflage."

I have the first two episodes finished already, and the third should be ready (hopefully) by tomorrow. Keep an eye out!

 . . . and special thanks to Laekin04 for being absolutely no help in trying to curb my enthusiasm for this rarepair that, at the start of the reboot, had one (1) scene where they were at each other's throats and I immediately without hesitation went "SHIP!" Here's to making sure it thrives! :)

 and special thanks to Laekin04 for being absolutely no help in trying to curb my enthusiasm for this rarepair that, at the start of the reboot, had one (1) scene where they were at each other's throats and I immediately without hesitation went "S...

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