hic et nunc

301 15 27

Latin: "here and now"

In which a win feels like anything but, and the resulting toll on the team makes the members focus on the present.

Also known as "The System." Wow . . . what a rollercoaster of emotions this episode was. It took me rewatching the episode to remember how impactful the story is because we know stories like Troy Booker's happen in real life. I think that's part of why this show, out of the L&Os, is particularly compelling to me . . . I know circumstances like these happen all the time, and Law & Order tackles them repeatedly. It's so hard to believe there's only four episodes left this season. Thank God for the news of the upcoming Season 23.

Anyway, for those of you who have been patiently waiting, you should like the results of this one. :) Enjoy!


Lily: Something's up with my dad

Ben: Is it a case?

Ben: A lot of the Intelligence cops get weird when they have a case that irks them

Griffin: "Irks?"

Ben: Shut up

Lily: No he's had a pretty regular schedule this week

Lily: At least regular enough that everything he planned off work was done

Lily: Honestly he's been a little weird since you guys visited

Ben: It wasn't me

Ben: I barely interacted with him

Griffin: Neither did I

Griffin: Actually was there any point in our visit where we weren't doing something together?

Ben: Well we got to see a bit of Sylvie's paramedicine run

Ben: Lily wasn't there for that

Lily: I wish I had been

Lily: That would have been so cool

Lily: Can I do it the next time she comes to Manhattan

Griffin: She'd probably say yes

Ben: Hang on I'll ask her

Griffin: Then again it's your dad you'll have to convince

Lily: Pfft

Lily: That'll be easy

Ben: She says she'd be OK with it

Ben: But yes you'd have to convince your dad

Lily: Maybe I'll attempt that when he's not being

Lily: Odd

Griffin: Hang on

Griffin: Weren't Matt and Kelly talking to him before we left the 225?

Ben: I think so . . .

Lily: What did your guardians do to my dad

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