memores acti prudentes futuri

330 14 12

Latin: "mindful of things done, aware of things to come"

In which Frank and Nolan each wrestle with the aftermath of Ezra Nichols' words, and Sam does a little nudging.

Also known as "12 Seconds." It took way longer to crank this out than I anticipated, especially writing how Frank and Nolan feel about the case, but I'm very satisfied with what I wrote. Hopefully everyone else is, too!


"Need I say more?"

No, Frank thought darkly as he sat at his desk, absently twirling a pen between his fingers. Violet hadn't needed to say anything after the video clip James Pell had sent Ezra Nichols. The video had been very damning, and it was no wonder Nichols had agreed to any demands Pell asked of him.

It was, after all, a death sentence if a video was released of an influential lawyer, one who fought for the LGBTQ+ community and minority rights, calling the first gay nominated to the Supreme Court a . . .

Frank wasn't even going to think that word.

A grim-faced Kate had ordered him and Jalen to get ready to have a more difficult conversation with the attorney, and without further prompting, Jalen had left the bullpen, preparing to leave for the school. Frank watched him without saying a word, knowing his partner needed something else to do. Jalen had said Nichols was the reason he had chosen to become a lawyer, and even though he was now a cop, he had immense respect for the man. To realize this video existed, that Nichols had said . . . that . . . Frank could only imagine how much Jalen was reeling.

The faint sound of nails clicking on a surface registered in the back of his mind, and with a start, Frank realized the noise had been occurring for a good few minutes. With a frown, he spun in his chair, opening his mouth to complain. He stopped before he spoke when he saw Violet staring blankly at a spot on her monitor, her fingers tapping on her desk. It didn't look like she knew she was doing it, based on the way she was gnawing on her lip.

She had a similar look on her face back when John Nelson had crossed their path.

Concern bubbled in Frank, and he checked his watch to estimate how much time he had before Jalen returned. Deciding he had enough, he rose from his chair and crossed to Violet's station, gently clearing his throat. "Violet?"

The young woman sat up straight with a jump, and surprised dark eyes looked up at him. "Sorry, Cosgrove," she blushed, fiddling with her fingers. "I didn't hear you."

"You were tapping your fingers pretty hard there," Frank nodded.

Violet paused. "I was?" she asked meekly.

Frank's eyebrows rose, and he gestured towards the break area. "Cup of coffee?" he offered.

Violet's shoulders slumped. "Yeah, I could go for one." Frank nodded, leading her over to the area, plucking the carafe from the burner and a mug from the tree. It took only a few seconds to fill it, and he slid the mug towards the young detective. Violet blinked, looking at him. "You aren't getting one?"

Frank considered, then snorted and grabbed one of the mugs. "What the hell. Might as well be as prepared for this uncomfortable visit as possible."

"Because of what you're going to talk to him about, or because we know how Jalen looks . . . or looked . . . up to him?" Violet asked.

Frank sighed. "Take your pick. I wish I could personally say it was the latter, but it's not."

"I don't understand it," Violet said in frustration, cradling her mug with both hands as she leaned against the counter. "How someone could stand up and defend all of those rights, then get recorded saying . . . "

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