𝐗𝐗. The Only Serenity

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The sudden departure of the elder prince took the town by surprise, the news spread around like a wildfire yet the kingdom was in a still silence.

A silence they were helplessly given after how the younger prince lost the attempts to convince his father, stop his brother or do anything in his will to resist his brother from leaving but he was spared no such chances to be heard.

He saw his brother leave just barehanded, no more glory, title of the prince or any royalty with him as he walked away armourless and with his only power he knew. The love.

Yet leaving all behind, he took what he values the most and the reason he was still smiling as he kissed his brother's forehead one last time, promising him to meet him soon and that he would always and forever love his brother the same.

It was bizarre than a war to the younger prince who was just not in his senses after having to lose his brother. He still believed he would return back to him or maybe after a few days away from the kingdom would help the king to change his mind but he didn't know what the future held.

The other side, Prince Jimin and The writer were still there, being witnesses of the mishap that took the kingdom by surprise.

Princess Min amid this situation guided his friend out so no guards could harm her knowing her power. The young and beautiful reckless princess did what she needed to do for her friend and something the prince she loved was doing for his friend.

The other prince, Park Jimin, was powerless but he tried to help his friend in his lowest time. The writer who felt just as hopeless and powerless like anyone else, he could not see his prince in pain.

The writer had held the prince tight when he was losing power to stand strong, the time he saw his brother leaving, sweet nothings kept falling into the prince's ear but he was just not in his right mind until he finally collected himself.

The following night was going to be the last night for the Park prince and the writer as they didn't intend to spend more than a day there due to the prince's responsibilities and that they would return back the next morning.

They were there for a day, and the world almost collapsed in the single day from them going out into the woods, stumbling upon their respective beloved and eventually losing the prince.

They all believed that it wasn't going to be like that, the king was probably not in his right mind and that he would definitely call his elder prince back and they simply waited for that to happen.

It was the same thing that Jimin repeated to Taehyung to make him feel at ease and to convince him to the best so that he wouldn't feel the burden of being helpless in this situation and all he wished was for everything to be okay.

The writer was armless or else he would dare fighting the world alone for whoever brought tears in his prince's eyes but he simply decided to be there for him because probably he needed that most.

Just like this the chaotic day ended into a dark night, the kingdom completely losing its shine and being just as dull as the moonless night.

The meals were barely touched when served, from guests to residents everyone was at the loss of appetite and with few spoons in they all concluded this until they had to head back into their respective bedrooms.

The guests were guided to their rooms and just when the writer entered his own, something in him was jumping inside.

The writer kept marching back and forth in the empty space of his bedroom, anxious and desperate to have his prince in front of his eyes, to be sure he wasn't crying, to know he was alright and to be able to give him a hug if he needed one and so he spared his mind around, thinking of different ways to do exactly what he needed to until...

𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕽𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔 • ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋWhere stories live. Discover now