chapter four

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Gavi's POV:

"What took you so long?" came Pedro with a questioning look at me and took the bag full of nuts from my hand.
I couldn't stop smiling.
"There was a woman, she... I can't explain what just happened." I answered him laughing and got into the car with a big smile while he just shook his head.
"Not that photos will show up again."
In response, I just rolled my eyes and thought about the unknown woman, while Pedro drove off.
She had brown, curly hair and her eyes were bright blue.
How beautiful they looked under the sunlight.
"What is your mother actually doing for tomorrow?" interrupted Pedro the awkward silence.
"Macadamia mousse."
"Please tell her to leave some for me too." he said, stopping the car as we were already in front of my house.
"She will do more for you."
We said goodbye with a handshake and I handed the bag to my mom at the house.
"So son, how was practice?"
My mother and I stood together in the kitchen and while she started cooking, I remembered the eyes of the unknown woman.
"Hm yes? Yes, it was as usual." I answered her with a big grin, concealing from her the conversation with my trainer.
She would kill me if she found out about all this.
After dinner with my mom, I spent the time playing games and went on TikTok just before going to sleep.

The alarm clock woke me up the next morning.
This time, together with Pedro, I arrived on time for training and today we had different sessions.
Since my sister's party didn't start until 8 p.m., I stayed after practice with a few colleagues to practice our shots.
At 5 p.m. I left the area with Pedro and we arrived home after a short stop at Burger King.
Instead of my mom greeting me first, she hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.
"How are you, sweetheart? How was the training?" she asked him and led us to the kitchen, where many dinner plates were already ready.
As if Pedro were her son.
He just looked around wide-eyed and started eating a bowl of gazpacho when my mom offered it.
For me there was paella, I always eat that for lunch.
After that we chilled in the living room and helped my mom for the cake she baked for my sister's party.
At the end we made our way to her home.
Aurora hugged us as a greeting with a big smile and thanked us very much when my mom gave her the dinner plates.
"Happy birthday, sister." I congratulated her and gave her a kiss on the top of her head as she hugged and thanked me.
"Who's all coming?" asked Pedro through the round and took a seat on the sofa.
"You guys are already here, Alejandro, Javier, Lily and Eliana are still coming."
"Well, except for Eliana, I know everyone. Who is she?" I interjected and an uneasy feeling spread through me.
How could I know all of her friends except for one?
"She's a very good friend of Lily's and she said we should all meet sometime." Aurora admitted openly.

Just after she said the last sentence, the doorbell rang and I directly saw the familiar faces, her friends. Except... Eliana.
"Happy Birthday, Aurora!" everyone congratulated her, she hugged everyone with blushing cheeks and thanked them again.
"Eliana will be a little late, I hope it's not too bad. She said her mother still needed help with something." Lily smiled. "Here are cupcakes!"
While my sister's friends and herself were busy talking about food and birthdays, I sat down next to Pedro and looked at my phone.
After five minutes, the doorbell rang again and I looked at Pedro, who just shrugged his shoulders.
"If you want, you can look. I'll stay here."
In reply I just nodded, got up from the sofa and went to the door to open it.
"Hi, sorry for the delay-"
I felt a warmth in my chest when I saw who was standing in front of me with a chocolate pistachio cake. Forget the cake. It was her.
The pretty woman from the store.
"Good evening, Eliana."

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