Chapter 2-Taehyung and V

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The tic tic sound of clock can be well heard in the luxury bedroom.A gentleman in suit looked at the mirror tightening the straps of his watch, while having a chat with 'siri', his technology bestfriend.

He scanned his whole room with his eyes while studying the perfection of everything, before nodding his head in satisfaction and exited from there.

Maids were waiting for their young master to arrive by plating variety of dishes on the table.The great aroma of tasty foods were filled in the dinning hall that it made the air smell nice.

Minutes later the sounds of fork and knife clashing on the plate was begin as the breakfast served. raised her brow, turning to her eldest son who is obediently eating his food beside her."Kim Taehyung,how is the company going lately?".

Taehyung pauses the spoon infront of his mouth upon hearing his mom , before gently placing it back down. "This month, we proposed a special project and it's going as planned,mother.The company's stock market would double if it successful.Everything is fine".He said nodding his head politely.

Mr.Kim sighed upon witnessing the usual drama infront of him.

"Jiyun, how many times do I have to remind you not to discuss business when we're dining".He sighs watching the indifferent face of his wife and turn to his son."Tae, what about your brother?Did he called you?How is he?".

Taehyung cleared his throat slowly."He is fine dad.Also he is currently working for a international company".

Jiyun scoffed hearing tae's words while shaking her head." What if he works for a international company?Does it make any change? A model will only be a model ,nothing special !".She rolled her eyes gripping the fork tightly.Her hand shaking with the sudden rage that almost blinded her eyes. "What a shame for Kims!".She gritted her teeth and shove the plate into floor.

The foods splashed down on the floor, colouring the white marble tiles into brown.The sound of glass plate shattering slowly faded as no one dared to breath.Jiyun's blood shot eyes dart slowly to everyone's face as she stood up and left the room.

Kim donghyeon sighed as he could only stare at his wife with empty and cold eyes.It was always like this.He gently patted the shoulders of his son before walking opposite of her.

Taehyung sat there even after the footsteps had faded away in the corners.He stared down at his plate where the food left untouched.He could only pity the tasty foods as he stood up and instructed a maid to clean up.


Taehyung was waiting.He was in his car waiting infront of the university with his car parked away from everyone's attention.

He expectantly looked at the entrance of the uni through the glassed window of his car, to see the his special person.But the man who he is waiting is nowhere in sight.

He was waiting there for past an hour and he is getting late for work.His gaze drat to his watch for a second and he turn to the entrance slowly.

"Sir, we are getting late.You have to be at company within fifteen minutes.So....".His driver trails of worriedly looking at him through the rear view mirror.

Taehyung brow narrows.His heart beats for another reason now,he is worried!.Why didn't his love came as usual?Doesn't it almost time for his class?Did something happened?Taehyung shook his head shaking all the unnecessary thoughts out of his head.His eyes guled to the university gate.

"Sir, should we have to wait longer?".The driver's impatient question only added his worries.He turned his gaze to his driver without uttering a word. The driver apologized to him suddenly, making him confuse.

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