Chapter 6-Family

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"kookie, where were you ?Do you know how much worried I was?".Minju was caressing her son's face making kook sigh again.

"Mom, I just stayed over at Jimin's and my phone was dead , that's why I couldn't call you.Just relax now". Jungkook tried to calm his mom.

Kook doesn't want to make his parents worry about him by telling them about what happened yesterday. He knows how sad they will be after finding out someone tried to do such a thing to him. Also, he just wants to forget about that incident.

"Why didn't you thought of using their phone to inform us?". Hyeonjun asked looking concerned."Kookie, do you know, your mother didn't even slept because of you?".


"Kookie ,we were getting old.We both has only you two.So don't make us worry being so reckless". Hyeonjun let out a sigh.

Jungkook looked down at his lap being sad.He don't know what to say.Dad was right,he should had been carefull yesterday.Instead he got into troubles and made his parents worry.

Minju brushed the hairs of Jungkook making him look up at her."Kookie, Don't be sad,just inform us before going anywhere, okay".

He nodded his head hugging his mom tightly.He really missed this warmness and care.

"Now go and freshen up,I'll make some breakfast".She said leaning back from him.

Kook entered the dining room pretty fastly after taking a shower.His stomach was growling to have something that he snatched the food even before Minju served it on plate.

"Are you starving,Kookie? Doesn't Mrs.park gave you anything to eat?".She chuckled making some omelette.

Gguk raised his brow upon hearing his mom's question and glanced at the mom-son duo in confusion. "Why? What happened yesterday?".

She pinched Jungguk's ears, who had just joined them, and looked at her son's appearance distastefully, frowning her brow.

"Ggukie, you're the one asking what happened? You dare not to make me mad!". She twisted Jungguk's ear painfully, making him whine, and Kook let out giggles.

" please". Gguk pleaded being in minju's hold while giving threatening glare to kook.

"Didn't I told you to not to drink?".She smacked his head making him nod."Aey..then why did you drink?! I can't believe I had to carry your drunk ass to your room?".

kook giggled seeing the whining Ggukie in his mom's grip.

"I-I'm sorry... sorry, I was w-wrong. Please forgive me, mom". Jungguk smitten his mom, causing her to loosen her hold on him. He took that chance to turn around and hug her close to his chest, making Minju sigh.

"Ggukie,you broke your promise again.You came home fully drunk".Minju pointedly looked at him."You know dad was so mad".She sighed ,her shoulder casting down.

"Ah sorry,I'm really sorry.Please leave it mom". Jungguk said planting a kiss on her forehead.

Minju shook her head yet smiled at him."Come on ,have something".She said patting his hair affectionately.

"But mom,what happened yesterday?"
He asked taking a seat beside Jungkook.

"Nothing much Ggukie, Kookie just stayed over at Jimin's".

"What?You were at Jimin's?".Gguk raised his brow in suspicion as he turns to his brother."But Jimin was with m- Oww".His words were cut short by the sudden pang on his foot.

"What the hell,Kook?".He yelped , glaring at his twin.

"What's happening there?".Minju asked from kitchen, making kook to cover Gguk's mouth.

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