Chapter 7. Take in a younger brother

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Calm down, let go slowly, the mental power spreads out little by little, the surrounding scenes and sounds appear in the mind instantly in a three-dimensional way, and even the slightest change can be clearly marked, which is better than the holographic computer screen. Still clear.

    Tian Yuerong's mental power can now cover a radius of about 10 meters, and if it is any further away, it will be painful. In the past few days, I have been so painful every day, constantly exhausted, and practice again, the mental power becomes more solid and more subtle. The most difficult thing is to detect changes in subtle details, and it is definitely not something that can be achieved by a second-level mental power. You must know that many small links determine the ultimate success or failure.

    But in the three-dimensional image that appeared in her mind now, red represents people and animals, gray represents objects, and green represents plants. Does this mean that her mental power is more inclined to detect and protect than to attack?

    It seems that the mental power mentioned in the original text is aggressive, because it is difficult to cultivate, so there are only a few people in the text, one of them seems to be related to the heroine, who can turn mental power into fine needles to directly destroy people head. Once again, I was annoyed by my sloppy way of reading books. I knew she would read through books, and I had to memorize everything I said.

    I condensed a glass of supernatural water for myself. It was really delicious and had an endless aftertaste. It was incomparable to any brand of mineral water. Fortunately, she can block the healing ingredients in the water at will, otherwise the joke will be too big. She will definitely be kept in captivity by powerful people.

    After a few days of busy life, the vegetable dumplings, rice dumplings, steamed buns, and lunch box are enough for her to eat for two months, and her body training has improved a lot. Now she can protect herself against five or six big men Coupled with the protection of spiritual power, it can be said that she can survive very well in the early days of the end of the world.

    The stamps and the small apartment left by the original owner were successfully sold, and Tian Yuerong's bank card had an extra 500,000 yuan. Based on the principle of never wasting, tidied up all the belongings in the small apartment and put them neatly in the space. Tian Yuerong was carrying a big mountain bag, and finally looked back at the hut where he had lived for nearly a month. He walked out without hesitation.

    The first destination: Changbai Mountain. Tian Yuerong didn't choose a local as a tour guide, but rented a car directly. She has a space, it is inconvenient to have a second person, and if there is a danger, she can directly enter the space, eat and sleep in the space, Tian Yuerong feels much more at ease.

    After walking for about three days in a row, I finally arrived at the hinterland of Changbai Mountain. Almost no one has ever been here, and there is no trace of trees being felled. The vegetation here is more abundant, and Tian Yuerong found several huge Ganoderma lucidum in succession. There are more kinds of herbs and mushrooms. Fortunately, before coming here, she had already learned the encyclopedia of Chinese herbal medicine, otherwise she would not be able to recognize many herbs, such as the schisandra in front of her. Moreover, she found that the more she walked in, the stronger the aura became, and some plants had already begun to change. Could it be that because there was no human destruction here, the aura of the end of the world had already begun to be transformed? Thinking, she dug out this schisandra. Indeed, the roots became bigger, the edges of the leaves became sharper, and the fruits became larger and fewer in number. Wait, this seems to be a bit of a phenomenon of returning to ancient times. I closed my eyes and carefully looked at the pictures of Schisandra chinensis in ancient times on the Encyclopedia of Chinese Herbal Medicine. It turns out that the enrichment of the aura of the last days can indeed cause plants to return to ancient times.

    Tian Yuerong began to carefully observe the differences in the surrounding plants, and unconsciously felt that she was getting further and further away, "Oh, oh------", is this a wolf? She carefully walked through the gap between the big trees, climbed into the canopy of the big tree next to it, and looked down. A big pure white wolf was facing a group of wild dogs. Wild dogs live in packs and found prey. I will never let go, with such a large group, it seems that this big white wolf is doomed. The two sides have finished sizing up each other, and the struggle is imminent.

    A big gray wild dog jumped up suddenly, trying to jump on the wolf's back, but the white wolf did not show any weakness, and with a sudden force on its hind legs, it bit a nearby wild dog with its big mouth, killing him instantly.

    No matter how the white wolves rise up to resist, one against a group, defeat is a matter of time. Seeing that the white wolf had been stained red by the blood on her body, Tian Yuerong's heart tightened for some reason, and she almost fell down. At this moment, the white wolf glanced at her hiding place, what kind of eyes were there, Vicissitudes and gentleness, in this bloody scene, she actually saw gentleness.

    Without thinking too much, Tian Yuerong wrapped herself with mental power, turned over and got off the tree, and several wild dogs also rushed towards her. It's just right, let's see how the body refining technique my sister has practiced these days is getting better. Spotted one, a kick, right in the abdomen, the wild dog died before it could groan. Perhaps instinctively felt that Tian Yuerong was a dangerous character, and the remaining ones surrounded them all, one pounced upwards, the other pounced downwards, and it seemed that they were about to be unable to hide, Tian Yuerong's body grew unbelievably big. Turning, at the same time, punched the wild dog above hard on the head, making it lose its mind. The opening of supernatural powers and the practice of body refining made her strength and speed close to those of mutants.

    In this way, within 5 minutes, only the dead dogs were left.

    Tian Yuerong couldn't breathe, her face didn't turn red, she won the first battle, and she still had a feeling that she hadn't enjoyed the fight. Uh, is it possible that sister is a hidden terrorist. I lighted the root wax for my lady's way.

    Walking to the side of the white wolf, when she was fighting just now, the white wolf was biting with these wild dogs and did not flinch, but now he is dying.

    Tian Yuerong looked at the white wolf. Such a white wolf with a whole body of snow and no mottled color should be rare.

    "Don't be afraid, I'm helping you". While talking, he condensed water with healing abilities and fed it directly to the big white wolf. Maybe Tian Yuerong's breath was too warm, or maybe the friendship from fighting together just now. The big white wolf didn't resist at all. He put his palm on the injured place again, and the wound healed quickly.

    The Great White Wolf stood up vigorously, and called out to Tian Yuerong twice, his eyes were full of admiration and admiration, Tian Yuerong took out a wisdom pill and asked, "Would you like to follow me? This The world is about to be in chaos, are you willing to be with me? From now on, you will not betray or forsake?"

    "Oh, oh" two voices sounded, Tian Yuerong "OK, I will take it as your promise, eat it."

    Directly put the pill Stuffed into the white wolf's mouth, the elixir melted in the mouth, and before the white wolf realized it, he sold it to this smart woman. It was too late to regret, the pain made the white wolf's eyes turn red, the fur of his whole body stood up, he kept scratching his big head with his two front paws, and his body rolled on the ground.

    Tian Yuerong was also terrified, no wonder this kind of wisdom pill can only be taken by intelligent creatures, this one is not good, but it will burn out the brain and become a fool.

    "Big White Wolf, you have to persevere, I'm not trying to harm you. You can only survive in the last days if you survive, otherwise, you may become a zombie animal directly!"

    "Big White Wolf, please, be sure to survive !" Go on, we must persevere, my sister only has two pills, you can fight for strength, and you must succeed!"

    After about ten minutes, maybe an hour, Tian Yuerong didn't know how long it took, the big white wolf stopped self-torture Behavior, "Woo, woo----", moaned softly.

    "Master, hello." Tian Yuerong was stunned by the voice in his head, "Who are you?"

    "Master, I am Dabai, and you were encouraging me just now."

    Tian Yuerong stared at the big white wolf and asked, "Dabai , is it the white wolf?"

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