Chapter 71-75

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Seventy-one. The success of the alliance is coming
  Back among the resting crowd, Zhang Yuanyi reported the content of Jiang Yichen's analysis to the captain of his team. His voice was not too loud, but it was enough for the team members who were resting to hear clearly. "What, Xiao Song, you can't talk nonsense!" An uncle in his forties next to him dropped the pancakes in his hand, so he quickly got up to pick them up, and blew the ashes on them vigorously.

  At this time, the silent bearded man next to him said, "Did anyone see where Sun De went?" Everyone glanced at

  each other, yes, Sun De was indeed not with them, when did he disappear, no one noticed I realized that the situation was so chaotic at the time, how could anyone think of this.

  "Why is that? Why did Sun De do this? After all, we all went through life and death together before!" The team members immediately discussed.

  At this time, the captain Zhu Ziming, who had been silent all this time, stood up, "Everyone still doesn't understand, this is because someone wants us to die!" The tears in the eyes were swallowed back.

  "Let us die?" The team members looked at each other, what's the situation, who wants them to die, Zhang Debiao, is he crazy, should the superhumans kill each other first? The bearded man said with a sarcasm, "Old Zhu,

  who When ordinary people made trouble last time, you didn't listen to Zhang Debiao, and you didn't listen to his arrangement to arrest those ordinary people. And you, Lao Xia, who made you offend that grandson Ermao for a little girl from an ordinary family. And you, you, you, which one of you has heard the words of those children and grandchildren, have you robbed ordinary people or killed ordinary people?" He clicked down one by one, and pointed at himself at the end and said loudly, "I just can't violate My own conscience, be a beast that is not even as good as a zombie!"

  The people whose names he had named all stood up, usually they didn't take this matter to heart at all, even though they couldn't understand those supernatural beings who did evil, But anyway, everyone belongs to the same camp, and they usually greet each other when they meet, laughing and laughing, but they didn't expect it, they thought it was a trivial matter, but they all remembered it in their hearts, and now this means trying to settle.

  Suddenly a supernatural person slapped his head and said, "By the way, no wonder, I saw Sun De and Sun Ermao staying together a few days ago. I don't know what the two of them were talking about!" "Sun Ermao is Zhang

  Debiao My confidant. In the past, Sun De also wanted to get married, but he was ignored by others. This time, it seems that Sun De was bought by Sun Ermao!

  " Get rid of him!"

  "Go back to the base, why go back, I'm not afraid that there will be more ruthless waiting for us after we go back!" After

  a few words, the hearts of the big guys became colder and colder, they came out to do the task hard, In the end, it ended up like this. I don't know who shed tears at the end, and a sad atmosphere spread.

  At this time Jiang Yichen stood up, "Since the base doesn't give us a way to survive, then we will find a way to survive by ourselves!

  " Hey, I said, you have to be careful when you talk, this didn't happen to our team, it has nothing to do with us It's okay, right, Captain. After finishing speaking, he smiled flatteringly at Wang Xiaodong.

  Jiang Yichen saw that this wasn't the one who stopped them from saving people just now? He was worried that Wang Xiaodong would be influenced by him, but at this moment, he said, "That's not necessarily the case. "Wang Xiaodong glanced at that person, then at Jiang Yichen, and said, "After the teams were assigned, the team leader hinted to me that there are many streets, many stores, and abundant supplies. Old Zhu, it seems that we are both in the same disease! Now

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