Chapter 3

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After the trio had oh-so-helpfully learnt what happens after your VISA expires through witnessing the display first-hand, the four of you trudged away to find shelter for the night. 

The first place you had in mind was IKEA, they had furniture, bed, everything! Problem was, you weren't sure how far away it was. Once you voiced your thoughts, they collectively agreed to go to a shopping centre close by, with a floor dedicated to furniture.

You lingered behind, mind rushing to piece together the major plot points. You closed your eyes, and breathed in the crisp air, there was nothing like feeling the wind on your skin after playing a life threatening murder game.

"Hey, thanks. You really saved us back there."

You cracked open an eye, only to be met with Arisu's fully sincere ones. You smiled instinctively, "no problem, honestly, I should be the one thanking you. You did solve, like, everything."

He fell into step with you.

"Not really, you gave me the idea. How...did you know that by the way?"

"Know what?"

"Know exactly what I needed to be able to figure this whole thing out."

You rushed to find an excuse. "Uh, well, my thoughts were half formed? So I just...blurted it out and hoped someone would string it together." You gave a light huff, "to be fair, I was panicking." You searched his face to see if he understood, he looked like he got the gist of it.

Surely he was sold, right? You didn't consider yourself to be a bad liar, but you certainly weren't good, looking past the shitty Japanese and all. Someone as perceptive as Chishiya would be able to see through your facade in a second. 

Speaking of Chishiya, you would love to follow his exact tactic for the tag game and just observe, but the only suitable spot would be where he is planning to go. You shrugged it off, opting to just act on impulse later.

"Makes sense, I mean it all worked out in the end," he smiled, eyes locking onto yours, "so thanks."

You shied away from eye contact, "anytime, bro."

The rest of the night was uneventful, everyone immediately crashing the moment their body hit a soft surface.

The next morning was dedicated to exploration. Arisu went outside, and you opted to just roam around the centre. Humming softly, you stared at the muted sunlight filtering through various windows, painting various stores in gold. Your eyes landed on a survival/camp dedicated store, and didn't hesitate to walk inside.

Dust coated every surface, and supplies ranging from tents to boots to survival book guides were littered everywhere. You were planning to attend the tag game, and it would be ideal if you have a gun on you. Not only for that game, but for the games to come. You made a mental note to snag a gun as soon as possible, maybe you could at the beach? You stopped in front of some survival knives, and you decided you would have to make do.

After grabbing a durable backpack and picking up various items such as torches, new shoes, some rope, first aid kit, and other bits and bobs, you made your way back to the others. You weren't exactly sure how to convince them to attend tomorrow's game, asking them to risk their lives again immediately after just narrowly escaping?

You mauled over this, if they don't attend tomorrow's, what if they attend tonight's? You laughed to yourself, it was even more unlikely they'll attend tonight's.

Then it's settled. You'll tell them to attend tomorrow's game, you have to convince them.

By the time you got back, Shibuki and Karube were still out, you assumed they were getting everything needed to prepare some hot food. Arisu and Chota were lingering in the furniture section, Chota talking about the electronic boards and IC chips.

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