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♡Y/n's POV♡

It's been a few days since I went outside. To be honest I don't know what the other's will think of me. What if they get grossed out? That means I wouldn't have any friends. Königs out in a meeting but he said he'd be back by dinner. So here I am sitting in my dads office waiting for who knows what...

•Timeskip •

Its been 3 hours and I've already made a mess with the markers,broke 10 crayons and fell 5 times trying to get these damn cookies off of the shelf. I need help but who do I ask? Königs not here and neither is dad. I open the door and look around before crawling away trying to be sneaky but as you know good things don't last forever. You guessed it i got caught and the worst part is I was only 2 feet away from the door. Who caught me? Ghost and soap did. "What are you doing?" Ghost was the first of the two boys to speak."sneaking away.."I replied trying my best to not sound little. "aww shes so cute. Ghost do you think she's a little!" I mentally face palmed myself  for speaking."Wow you finally realized hes a little took you long enough."I sat there for about 10 minutes listening to them bicker "FOOD" I could tell i caught them off guard because the stopped yelling at each other and started looking for the mysterious food I was talking about."what? There's no food.""I think she's hungry" ghost said blankly. I nodded to his statement and waited for something to happen and for food."you go make food, ill take her back inside." "ok." I sat still and stared at the building königs in. I guess Ghost saw me frowning because he picked me up and patted my back." He'll be back soon."

•Timeskip •

Ghost and Soap left a few minutes ago . So now I'm waiting by the door for König and dad to show up.  Click. The sound of the door unlocking rang through the house. I stood up to go greet them. As the door started to  open I was standing perfect still infant of the door ready to hug them both.why are they taking so long to open a door. As soon as it opened I threw myself to hug the first person to walk in. I looked up to see who it was and it was König. "Hi König!, I mi- how I say word again?" "Missed?" "Yeah! I missed you and dad."I looked down embarrassed that I forgot a simple word. I looked over to see dad frowning so I go over to hug him and now he's all smiles. "Dads jealous of König"i giggled. "No I'm not.. I'm just sad you didn't give the hug first"he said but basically just said he was jealous.  König was laughing at what dad said  and took my hand. "Alright little one its time to go back to the room" "ok night dad" "goodnight sweetheart" and just like that we left but of course I didn't feel like walking so I asked König. "König ups?" He picked me up and continued to go to our room."König? " "yes?""can I pet the kitty" "sure"he placed me down and I immediately ran to the kitty to pet it. I picked it up and walked over to König. "Can we keep it?"I ask holing the cat up to him." Sure"


A/n:sory for the short chapter but I have school tomorrow and its currently 1 in the morning.bye!

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