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Chapter Forty-Two: Patient


I'm sitting on Lincoln's couch, a mess of papers surrounding me with my laptop perched on a pillow. There's a deal I've been trying to secure for months with La Beaute, a french company wanting to expand here in America, and after countless missed phone calls, Rachel was finally able to find a time for their CEO and me to have a video call.

"And I think it'd be beneficial to invite some influencers out to lunch here, introduce the brand, and have them promote it on all of their social media channels. If we do that first, people will already be talking about your products before you expand internationally."

Camille nods, still seeming reluctant. "I'm worried about going international strictly because of the operational costs. If I do decide to expand La Beaute to America, I'd have to look into investing in a warehouse."

"But I think that would help in the long run," I reply, pitching the best I can. This deal would make my company millions. I can't risk losing her. "International shipping would be an expense in itself. Plus, statistically speaking, consumers tend to want a product that isn't manufactured abroad. I think opening a warehouse would not only save you on costs in the future but would also make you the most profitable."

Camille laughs. "You seem to have an answer for everything, don't you?"

"Well, I kind of have to in order to be this good at my job, right?"

I hold my breath, blinking a few times at the screen before I sigh in relief when she smiles. "Alright, send the contracts over. I'll have my assistant schedule a time for me to go to America and look at locations for warehouses. We can meet up when I'm there to discuss your marketing strategy."

Fuck. Camille coming here means I'll have to actually leave and go out into the city, something I haven't done yet. I've been sending Reed on my behalf to all of my clients, but Camille isn't going to settle for Reed. If she's signing the contracts, she'll want to work directly with me, and since she's such a big client, I'm not going to fight her on it. I'll have to suck it up.

"Perfect. I'll have my lawyer draw it up and have it faxed to your office by this afternoon. We're honored to help you with this launch, Camille."

She blows a kiss to the camera and sends me a flutter of a wave. "Speak soon."

When I'm off our video chat, I pull up the security cameras to Lincoln's building, which he thankfully installed on my laptop. I tend to do this every ten minutes or so just to be sure nobody's trying to get in, freezing when I see the outline of a figure in the elevator. For a second, I panic. My heart pulses rapidly, fear flowing through my veins until Margo's familiar black bob comes into view.

I hear the elevator doors open, then her heels clattering loudly against the hardwood floors of Lincoln's foyer. She rounds the corner with a purpose, stalking over toward me with determination all over her face. Then again, I don't think I've seen Margo anything but determined. She's a woman on a mission.

She picks up a stack of papers, not even caring that she's mixing them up as she tosses them on the coffee table and shuts my laptop for me. "We need to talk," she says.

I cross my arms over my chest in defiance and arch a brow. "Hello to you, too."

"Have you even showered this morning?" She stares disapprovingly at my sweatshirt and sweatpants, my hair in a sloppy bun with no makeup on. "This isn't you, Sienna. You love going to work. You relish in wearing a good power suit while you stomp on every successful man's toes." She lets out a huff and sits beside me, grabbing one of my hands with hers. "Look, I can't imagine how you must feel after everything happened, but staying in here and checking security footage day in and day out is going to make you lose your mind. You have to get out of here and spend time with people who care about you. People like me and Linc, and Riley and Carmen..."

"I'm doing just fine," I say, but even I can tell I'm lying by the shaking of my voice. The truth is, the past three months have been pure torture. It's like walking across a plank knowing there's a section of rotted wood, but unable to figure out where. I know it'll give out, and I'm just holding my breath until it caves in.

Margo grabs my arm and pulls me up without protest. I gasp from her strength, suddenly dizzy on my feet. I haven't eaten breakfast, so that could be it. "Get in the shower while I clean all of this up." She waves at the empty coffee mugs and bags of chips I've been snacking on the past few days. "As long as you're okay with it, we're all going out tonight."

My eyes grow wide. "Margo, I...I can't. I don't know if I'm ready for that."

"If you truly don't want to go, we can stay in tonight and binge watch Bachelor in Paradise, but you were born ready for this, Sienna. I can't sit around and watch you hide out any longer. The Sienna Stone I know wouldn't let some stupid fucking prick allow her to stop living her life. She'd step on his tiny dick with her pink stilettos."

I smile at that, an ache forming in my chest. I know Margo is right, and especially with landing the La Beaute deal, I won't be able to hide out much longer. But the nagging feeling of being watched won't escape me. Travis more than likely has people keeping tabs on us that I've never seen before, so it's not like I'd recognize them out in public.

"I will make sure security is at every single entrance and exit, and you know Lincoln won't let you out of his sight," she reassures.

Going out tonight means pushing all of my fears aside, and although I may be scared, I'm tired of hiding out, too. I'm tired of seeing Lincoln stress over me when he should be nothing but happy. I'm tired of checking security cameras every ten minutes. I'm just...tired, and I want my old life back.

"Fine," I mutter in defeat, earning a satisfied smile from her, "but this is only because I'd rather not have you drag me by my feet, which I have a feeling you would if I said no."

She ushers me with her hands toward the bathroom. "You know me well. Now go shower, call and invite your friends to tell them you're finally getting out of this house tonight, and doll yourself up."

"And by friends you mean Riley?"

She shrugs, but I see the faint color rising to her cheeks. "All of them. Also, wear something slutty, please. Lincoln has been patient." She pauses and clears her throat. "Not that I'm insinuating you should be ready for that after what happened, but hell. At least give the man some images for his hand later."

I bite back a laugh, tugging on my lip just at the thought of Lincoln jacking himself off. Despite what occurred three months ago, Lincoln's constant reassurance and patience haven't gone unnoticed. He hasn't made a move on me since that night, waiting for me to take action, and I can't thank him enough for that. I also know how hard it's been for him to remain celibate for this long because I'm right there with him.

When he makes eggs shirtless and his forearm grips the handle of the pan, or when I've passed by his home gym to see him boxing away with sweat trailing down his chest, there have been times that I've wanted to just tackle his sweaty body and ride his cock until he's sore, but there's always the fear that holds me back. My heart knows that Lincoln is nothing like Travis, but what will happen when Lincoln and I have sex again? Will my body lock up? Will I be brought to that same state of panic? I think I'm ready to try with him again, more than ready, but I'm scared.

"Lincoln will be getting something tonight," I tell her, "I just don't know what that exactly is yet."

Margo heads into the kitchen to start cleaning up the mess of a living room I created, my heart swelling from how grateful I am for her. "Just make sure to shave!" She calls out. "Everywhere. Just in case."

"I could say the same to you!" I shout back from Lincoln's bedroom.

"Not to worry. Riley doesn't mind the carpet!"

My mouth gapes. "Margo, I did not need to know that!"

Her cackling carries all the way down the hall.

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