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63|The Future

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The last time I was in Venice, I don't remember it being like this.

It was just another beautiful city filled with people who had impeccable taste in fashion. I walked through the streets and admired lovers holding hands, longing to experience the same, but instead of sharing a lover, I sat at a tiny cafe that overlooked the various intertwined bridges and stuffed my mouth with freshly baked bread.

Needless to say, my time here wasn't the greatest.

But now...

Lincoln's arm is wrapped around my shoulder as we gaze upon the canal. I'm curled into his side, the gentle lapping of the water beside the gondola as we cruise slowly but surely along the winding route. The sun has just started to set, casting a warm glow upon the multi-colored buildings that make the city so unique.

I can't remember a time when I've felt more peaceful than right now. Here in this boat, I'm not worrying about Travis's return. I'm not peeking around every corner or looking over my shoulder at every restaurant and shop I've been in today. For once, I've let my guard down to enjoy this moment with Lincoln and the rest of our trip here, and I'm not blind to how big of a moment this is for me. Having the ability to trust someone again... To let them in fully and completely?

"Better than the canals in LA?" Lincoln squeezes my shoulder to draw my attention back to reality, but no matter how often I blink, this still feels like a dream.

Resting my head on his shoulder, I breathe a sigh of contentment. "Honestly? Don't take this the wrong way, but aside from the more beautiful view and the safeness being so far away brings me, it feels the same."


I pull my head back, hearing the disappointment in his voice, and I immediately feel like the world's biggest asshole. "N-not that this isn't insanely amazing and mind-blowing," I stammer. "I just meant I realize that my enjoyment came from being with you. Not the place. We could be in the Sahara desert, and I'd still feel giddy and excited like a damn teenager."

His chest sags with what seems like relief. "Thank god," he mutters. "I wasn't sure if you'd hate it if we're being honest."

"Lincoln, why on earth would I hate coming to Venice?"

He rakes a hand through his dark, tousled hair, and my heart lurches at the sight. "I just thought it'd be too much. You don't seem like the type of woman to be willingly whisked away to a foreign country."

I laugh. "You're right, but you're an exception, Linc. You're always the exception. If anything, I didn't think you would whisk me away to come here. You know, after our conversation at the canals in LA."

His brows etch together, puzzled. "You told me you've always wanted to experience the magic of Venice while being in love. Why wouldn't I want to give that to you?"

Feeling like I'm stating the obvious, I arch my brows. "Well, you said before we, um...expressed that to each other that you wanted the Travis situation to be dealt with, and it's very much still ongoing. I assumed this trip wouldn't be happening for a while."

My cheeks are burning hot when I glance away from him to stare out at the water. Our gondolier is thankfully giving us much-needed privacy as he continues to row leisurely, facing his back to us. I remind myself to give him a good tip, focusing on anything but the embarrassment of revealing my feelings to Lincoln.

I'm not used to being the quiet woman scared to share her feelings. I'm ordinarily assertive and always the businesswoman ready to get shit done, but everything is different with Lincoln. Trying to express how I truly feel about it makes me feel tongue-tied. My heart always races, my palms begin to sweat...

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