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66|Our Girl

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The entire flight ride home to New York, Sienna had hardly moved. Not that I could blame her. I whisked her away for an early Christmas present without thinking about placing my security to watch over friends, and what kind of boyfriend does that make me? Caring about Sienna means caring about her friends, too, which apparently Jett had felt was necessary to do with his security. What the hell does he need protection for?

"I need to tell you something," Sienna blurts, dragging me from my thoughts. "Before we get to New York."

I twist in my seat to face her, hating how utterly pale she looks. I had planned on sleeping for the duration of the flight, but when we sat down, and Sienna couldn't stop shaking, I pushed my tiredness to the side. She'd never admit it, but she needs me, and I'm going to be here for her.

"I'm listening."

"Okay, well..." She wrings her hands in her lap, gnawing on her bottom lip. "There are certain things about this story that I can't tell you. I swore to Carmen I wouldn't, and I know we're dating, but I always keep my promises, and—"

"Sienna." I push a strand of hair behind her ear, caressing her cheek with my thumb. "Take a breath. It's alright. Tell me what you want to tell me. I'll understand."

My words give her the reassurance she needs because she sits up straighter, gaining more confidence. "Carmen has a second job at a place where dangerous people tend to lurk, and... Well, I think Jett is one of those dangerous people."

My mind strays to when my brother told me he could help me by asking around about Travis. I know he more than likely attends a club that attracts the sort of crowd who might know a thing or two, but at the time, I didn't want to get him involved with all of this. Even though he's my brother, the trust between us isn't fully restored.

"And you can't tell me where this place is?"

She shakes her head. "I promised her I wouldn't."

"Alright, well, I've always suspected that my brother could be hanging with the wrong crowd, but I never read too much into it. He offered to help me find Travis last week. Said he knew some people who might be able to track him down."

Sienna shudders. "I don't even want to know who those people are, but...do you think he actually could? You know, help us find him? If whoever took Carmen isn't related to the Travis incident, then maybe we should take him up on his offer."

"And you trust my brother enough to do this?"

"What choice do we have? If Travis was the one who took Carmen, and if he did something to her?" She blinks away tears, a thick knot forming in the back of my throat. "I'll never forgive myself, Linc. I refuse to let anyone else close to me get hurt because of him. Jett is your brother. If he knows how to locate him, I don't have a choice but to trust him."

She has a point. I know she's being logical about this. I've exerted all my resources, and aside from the adoption thing, I've come up with nothing. As much as I don't want to let my brother in on this... If he genuinely has connections with these people, why not? We're running out of options.

"Alright," I relent, tugging her close to my side. "We'll ask for his help."


Nine hours later, we're standing in a back alley of a shop in a bad section of town. My brother texted us to meet him here, and although I didn't want Sienna anywhere near Travis if he was the one behind all of this, we've been training together for a reason. As much as I want revenge on this fucker, it's not my revenge to take. It's hers.

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