chapter 1- hunter p.o.v.

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Hunter p.o.v.

I'm sat in the kitchen with my mom precious and my twin sister crystal. My 18th birthday is coming up in 4 days and my sister and mom have been talking about it a lot. More so they have been talking about having a party and meeting our mates.

Myself and my twin sister will thankfully not be sharing the same mate. Even though we will not be sharing the same mate we can still feel each others emotions and have a strong bond seeming as we are twins.

"Do you think we will meet our mate on the day mom?" Crystal asked excitedly.

I growled at the thought not really liking the thought of my sister being with anyone. She is to good for anyone.

My mom smiled softly.

"Maybe sweetie. Don't get your Hope's up to high though because some people have to still wait years for them to meet there mate. When the time is right however your mate will come along." My mom said smiling.

"And you stop growling at your sister everytime she mentions her mate. You know she will find him at one point and there is nothing you can do about it. They will be made for eachother just like you and your mate will be." My mom said sternly at me making me grumble under my breathe.

Crystal looked at me and stuck her tongue out at me childishly. I growled warningly at her making her smirk.

"That's enough you two. Now get ready for school." Mom said trying to be stern again but also trying to not laugh at our childishness.

Just then both my fathers walked into the room and kissed my mom on the lips. I would say I cringed but to be honest I'm use to it. It doesn't bother me it just makes me crave for my mate more. I will not admit that out loud though.

"Are you ready for school princess." My dad xavier asked crystal.

Crystal smiled and nodded her head while grabbing a piece of toast and shoving it in her mouth.

"You eat like a man." I said cringing.

Crystal smirked at me.

"Awh is my brother jealous that I am more manly them him." Crystal said with a smirk.

I growled at her and glared.

"I am-" i was about to shoot something back when my mom stepped in.

"That's enough. Now go and get your stuff ready for school I will not tell you again." My mom said glaring at us.

"Listen to your mom now." My dad xander said sternly.

We both grumbled but did as we was told. I grabbed my shoes and put them on. I grabbed my bag from near my bedroom door before walking back downstairs into the kitchen.

I love my sister. I really do but sometimes she is so annoying. Not long after crystal came down the stairs as well with her stuff. We said our goodbyes and headed to my car to go to school.

We got in the car and crystal instantly put music on which ended up in being ariana grande. I didn't mind that until she started singing loudly. Let me tell you what thing. Crystal can not sing.

"Will you shut up." I shouted over the music making her laugh and sing more.

I groaned and just quickly drove down to school. The quicker we get there the quicker her singing stops.

Finally we pulled up to the school and I instantly turned the music off. Luckily she got out the car making me sigh in relief.

I followed after her heading straight to our friends. Crystal, angel, jaydan, rose and daisy were stood waiting for me.

Crystal hugged all the girls and then jayden and had just finished as I got there. The girls hugged me and then i bro hugged jayden.

Jayden looked at me and smirked.

"I take it she has already started to annoy you." He said with a chuckle.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. We both laughed and headed to our lessons.

For the next couple off days that's what happened over again. As much as crystal annoys me believe it or not we actually are really close. We are always there for each other and we help each other through a lot of things.

Crystal is very open and excited about meeting her mate where as I'm the opposite. I don't like talking about it. Not because I don't want to meet my mate it's because it makes me crave her more. I really want to meet her and have her all to myself. I'm nervous though because I'm very possesive and I don't know what she will be like.

Most nights I wonder what she looks like. What's her favourite music. Does she ever think about me? Does she wonder what I'm like? What is she doing now?.

I think about her a lot more then everyone thinks. I'm excited to meet her but I have heard so many stories about how everyone met there mates some good and some bad so it does scare me a little.

Tomorrow is my birthday already. Today is friday and tomorrow is saturday. That means it's my birthday and no school.

We were also told that a new girl will be starting on monday. Our principle is also a werewolf so when the humans were gone he Told us that the new girl is a witch and that she is really nice and does not want problems.

Our school is full of werewolves and there are the odd few witches but not many. I think there are only 3 witches but 4 including the new girl. I dont really know much about the witches so maybe I should read up about them more. I am the future alpha so I want to know as much stuff as I can about the supernatural world.

For some reason when he told us about the new girl something rose inside me. I could feel my Wolf wagging his tale inside my head making me confused.

We are suppose to have our wolves when we are 16 years old however myself and crystal got ours when we turned 15. My wolf is black and Crystal's is fully white. Our wolves are a lot stronger then a lot of alpha wolves.

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