chapter 38- what are you doing here?

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Sarah p.o.v.

After saying goodbye I got inside the car and started to drive away. I whimpered looking in the rear view mirror off the car and seeing Hunter still staring. My heart clenched seeing the sadness in hunters face as I left.

I would have loved to be able to stay with Hunter but this is something I needed to do. I decided to put some music on to try and distract myself as I'm on my way to the coven.

As I was half way there I decided to open the coven bond like my auntie Laura taught me.

"I Sarah' the daughter off katrina here by announce my near arrival to our coven." I said in the bond.

I could hear in the bond the whispers off the shocked people in our coven making me wince from all the noise. As I got closer I decided to pull the car up near by and hide the car in the forest. I sat down in the car a second and took some deep breathes. I picked the portion up and drank some it.

Finally I decided to teleport myself inside our coven to the head office. As I teleported there I felt as everyone stared at me. They now know my power is teleporting. However I want that to be the only power they know off.

Our head coven walked out the office and sneered at me.

"What are you doing here?" She sneered making me flinch a little.

Every part of my body wanted to electrocute her or set her on fire as I know full well she has something to do with my father and my mothers death but I stopped myself knowing full well I will end up getting killed.

"I have arrived back after grieving the loss of my mother. I apologise for not telling you head coven off my leave but I was just so upset about my mothers death I could not think straight. However I feel a little better now." I said strongly but made sure to whimper so I still looked weak in her eyes.

She hummed while looking me up and down.

"It is past your 18th birthday. What powers do you have?" She asked.

"I can teleport head coven." I said looking down.

"Is that all." She sneered at me.

I nodded my head yes.

"Yes head coven." I said looking down ashamed.

She sneered at me so I yet again made sure to flinch.

"Weak" I heard someone sneer next to her.

I knew right away it was her daughter sienna. Sienna is a well and truly bitch to say the least. I whimpered and looked down more. I was the least bit scared of sienna. However I had to act it.

Sienna is a really horrible person. However she barely even knows how to fight. Her mom is our head coven and so everyone respected her and would never try and pick a fight with her not because she is strong but because they all feared her mother. Sienna power is that she can use water and earth. They might seem as though they are not the best powers but they are actually good powers. Just not as good as mine. She can make earthquakes happen if she wanted where as I can control the weather as well. So actually her powers are powerful. She knows how to control them. Sienna Is a year older then me so she knows what to do and how to control them possibly better then me.

All sienna knows how to do is use her powers. With out her powers she would be useless as most the people here would. Her mom on the other hand her powers are fire just like mine. She also had the power to be able to move things with her mind. that power is very rare. 

"You cause any trouble here sarah and there will be consequences. Am I understood." Her mother sneered at me.

"I understand head coven. I will not bother any of you." I said  still looking down.

She rolled her eyes at me before dismissing me. As our head coven walked inside I stopped st hearing sienna speak.

"Sorry for your loss sarah." Sienna said. I would have thought she really meant it if there was not a smirk on her face.

I nodded my head acting as though I believed her and transported to my moms house. I could feel the anger bubbling up inside me. Whatever part of me (if there was any) that thought they may have not had anything to do with it has now gone.

Tears came to my eyes but I blinked them away. I looked up and noticed how everything looked to be in place.

I looked around and whimpered. My heart clenched while looking around the room and having memories in every inch off the room from myself and my mother. I miss her so much.

I walked over to the couch and sighed sitting down a second to collect my thoughts. I don't even know where to start.

I looked over to the kitchen dining table and noticed an envelope sticking out from under a box off stuff. I frowned and walked over to it.

I moved the box of the envelope and gasped. My moms hand writing was on the envelope. I noticed how on the envelope it said my name. However I noticed the envelope already looked like it had been opened. I frowned and looked at the envelope some more.

I opened the envelope and sighed.

To my dear daughter.

I love you so so much. I'm sorry I kept a lot of things away from you. I know I kept my mother and father and even my sister away from you and I hope you can forgive me for that.

I hope you get on with them but I know you will. I hope you stay in this coven however. It's a really good coven. I know not a lot of people like you for being half human but that is not your fault. Just know that I love you with all my heart.

I am writing this because I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen. I'm not sure what or why but I do. Just know that you will always be my little girl and I so proud of you.

When I get a bad feeling or even a good feeling you know I am always right. I think that maybe its just time I am with your father.
You are my strong, beautiful and amazing little girl. You always will be and I'm so so proud off you. I love you millions.

P.s. the game i kept away from you for giving me attitude is under your bed. I know you love that monopoly game. I'm sorry I never got to say a proper goodbye.

Lots of love mom xx

As I finished reading the letter tears were pouring down my cheek. She really did know she was going.

Wait this doesn't fully make any sense. My mom and I never argued before she left? And monopoly game? We very rarely ever played it. Yes it was my favourite game but she never took it off me before she left just like I never gave her attitude.

Wait... it's a code. Is She is trying to tell me something?!

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