An Unexpected Crewmate

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(None of the artworks presented in this story are mine, they have their respective owners and I'll gladly remove any media if the creators so desire)

Well, that was a complete disaster! What the hell happened to Freddy back on stage?! The old cap just dropped in the middle of the concert, and now everyone started acting a bit off

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Well, that was a complete disaster! What the hell happened to Freddy back on stage?! The old cap just dropped in the middle of the concert, and now everyone started acting a bit off...Those eyes, I have been hearing things from Monty's room as if he was wrecking the whole place...Something is not right...I should ask Vanessa about this, I walked up to the mirror in my room and pinned my hook in place, and then, I started to feel...Weird, there's something in my chest compartment, I don't remember loading any pinatas or birthday cakes at the last party, I opened up my chest compartment and-

"What are ya doing in there laddie?!?" I screamed, shocked at what was inside there...There's a goddamn child inside my chest!

"Please don't hurt me!!!" The child begged... As if I was gonna ever hurt a little chap like him

"Woah Woah take it easy there mate! I'm not gonna hurt ya, you know me don't you?" I said to the child as I took him out of my chest, holding him in front of me with my hand and hook, running a quick scan on him to see if he was hurt

"...Yeah, you're Foxy the Pirate! Everyone knows who you are!" The child had a joyful expression on his face, oh man I love my job!

"Haha! A pleasure to meet you, buccaneer! Now, mind telling your friend Foxy over here what's your name?" I asked with the same enthusiasm that he had while replying to me

"Oh right! I'm Gregory...Sorry to bother you Foxy, I was running away from a creepy bunny lady with a knife, she wanted to kill me!" He stated, ain't Bonnie a lad? Wait wasn't he in a better place by now?

"Hm, well mate, I should take you to Vanessa! I'm sure she c-"

"NO! She's trying to kill me!" That...That just makes things weirder...I should talk with Freddy to see what he thinks

"...Hm, very well chap, your good old captain Foxy will be taking care of you!" I said as I put him on my shoulders holding on to his legs so he wouldn't fall off  "After all, a captain's duty is-"

"To protect his crewmates!" He finished my sentence, this kid is starting to grow on me by the minute, heh!

I walked to the door and waited for it to open, once it did we got out, and I started walking towards Freddy's room, I now hold Gregory in one of my arms and knock on the door with my hook

"Who's there?" I heard Freddy ask

"It's me Freddy, I gotta show you something" I replied tapping one of my feet impatiently waiting for him to open the bloody door

"Foxy! Well, I can't open it, it's on lockdown" He said...Makes sense, after what happened in the last performance, but Gregory had some type of card that unlocked the door, as I walk in holding him still

"Hey hey, captain! Look what I found!" I said with a smile and joy in my eyes as I hold Gregory up

"Foxy...Why's there a kid with you?"

"HAH! Well, that's of course because-...I have no idea...!" I said confused as I look up at Gregory and he looks back at me

"We need to take him back to Vanessa-"

"NO! She's trying to kill me!" Gregory replied in the same way to Freddy as he had done to me before

"Freddy...Listen, our mates have been acting kinda off ever since the show went off the rails, 'sides, Monty's anger issues got even worst...You dropped cold on stage and the others had a weird red glare in their eyes that...I have never seen it before...And Bonnie was even suddenly discarded! C'mon mate you can't be thinking this is all normal!" I said as I fix my hold on Gregory having him in both of my arms

"Well...I...I must say I also found all of that too much of a coincidence, but now we are in lockdown, the only way to get him out would be to get to 6 AM" Freddy said, as he crossed his arms and rubbed his chin

"Ya mind if I leave Gregory with you for a bit? I'm gonna try and find out anything about what happened to the others" I said as put Gregory down and looked back to Freddy

"I won't mind, what are you planning Foxy?" He asked me...Well, I have no fu-bloody idea

"I uh... um...I'll start with Roxy, she always had issues and I know that she trusts me slightly more than you guys, maybe it's not as bad as we think!" I said trying to get my hopes up, who am I kidding...I'm desperate...But I can't give up now! They're my crew!

"Sigh...Go ahead Foxy, you know where to find us" Freddy said as he nods to me, passing me some confidence, which I replied with a nod of my own

I turn around and walked out of his room, relaxing for a moment before I started to walk toward Roxy's room, the door was unlocked as I approached and it opened on its own...Usually, she would be pampering her ego in the mirror, but this time was way too different, she was angry at the mirror

"You're NOT A FAILURE! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!" She was shouting to herself while looking into the mirror, her face...She looked...Desperate...Roxy, is that really you? My ears peak down for a moment because of my mood, but they peak back up once I started walking towards her

"Lass um...You alright there?" I asked while gesturing with my hand, walking at her

"...Get out of my room, Foxy!" I saw her grip tight to the desk, marking it with her claws...Shit, that's a first...

"Woah lass! I'm just checking on you" I stopped in my tracks looking back at her

"You think you know more than me?! YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME?!? YOU ARE NOTHING!!!" She shouted aggressively turning back at me and lunging at me! I stepped out of the way watching her crash on the couch

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