By A String

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I dazed off for a moment...The second I woke up, I found myself in a field of endless green grass all the way to the horizon and a single tree in front of me, where a man dressed in security clothes is sitting, I stare at my own hands, it looks...Humans...I felt myself shorter...What is this? I walked towards the tree and the man sitting under it, as I approached, he spoke

"Looking for something, kid?" He said, while his hat covered his eyes

"Kid?..." I questioned, as I was standing in front of him

"That's what you are, no?" The man said to me, without standing up

"I...I don't know..."

"You don't know who you are?"

"...Not anymore"

The man stood up at last, then kneeled in front of me and held onto my shoulder

"You're a hero...Take a look to the horizon"

I turned my head toward it, and saw children, playing under the sunlight...It was...Heartwarming...I wouldn't know the feeling, I don't have a real heart...But...If I have to guess, this must be how it feels

"They get to rest now, because of you, Foxy"

"...Am I really Foxy? Why am I a child?"

"Because you and this kid share a soul, a body...But now, you freed him, and yourself as well"

"I didn't know robots could go to Paradise...Am I really dead?"

"As you said yourself, you're a robot, you're not dead...You can be rebuilt again as many times necessary...But this kid, he was dead long ago...You, were dead a long ago"

"I don't get it, is he me? Or am I him?"

"Robots don't have life, even if they may have an AI,  they are soulless...You were this kid, Foxy, but your soul was trapped inside this robot body you say you are, and you forgot your human self...Now, it's up to you"


"Will you join your true self in heaven, or will you return to the Pizzaplex in your metal suit of yourself?"

"...This looks great, feels great, but...I made a promise, I can't just quit after all of this...I'm glad this-...I'm glad my soul is safe, but I found my true self in Foxy the Pirate, that is who I am...And that's who I will be until the end of times...I want to go back to the Pizzaplex"

I felt lightheaded, and then, my eyes shut close...When they open, I saw myself in a mirror inside a room...It was the Maintenance Room...That appearance was me, Foxy, I sat up and noticed I woke up someone that was sleeping while resting on my chest, Roxanne...As she raised herself and looked at me and I looked back at her, our eyes meet one another, her eyes started to leak oil and I must admit, so did mine...She lunged at me and hugged me as hard as she could, and I returned gladly in the same fashion, she was crying on my shoulder and I noticed...I have my arm back! I kept her close as I could hear her sobbing, as someone else got inside the room since I could hear the door open

"DAD!!!" Gregory!!!

I saw him running at me with tears in his eyes and a wide smile, as he jumped on me just after Roxy let go of me for a single instance, I caught him in a hug pressing my chin on his shoulder

"Gregory!!! Ah...I'm so glad to see you again!" I said to him as I held him up in front of me, I could see from the corner of my eye that Roxy was smiling from that scene

"YOU'RE ALIVE!!! I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE US!!!" He said as he had dried tears on his cheeks and a lovely smile, my son...You have never been more adorable

"I couldn't just leave you all now could I? Not when we just got to the best part of our little tale aye?" I replied putting him back on the ground on his feet, I tried standing up as Roxy held my arm to assist me

"Careful Foxy...You've been out for quite a while, you might need to recalibrate a bit"

"Right, right...Oof my head" I groaned putting my hook over my face while I tried to recalibrate my systems, and I saw Gregory run through the door and scream for the others, but the second he left through the door I felt Roxy's hands grabbing on to my face, my body froze, and she turned me to face her and the next thing I knew she was kissing me with her eyes closed, my reaction was out of instinct, to hold on her waist with both of my hands and lean into it also closing my eyes...I couldn't tell how that felt...But, I sure knew the emotions behind it...We held it for some time, I couldn't tell how much time, since my mind was completely dazed by it, we only broke when we heard the door open again, My hand was behind her back as she leaned back a bit without getting too far from me as we both looked back to the door, where we saw Monty comically stopping on his tracks holding everyone back

"Monty...Can you please give us a moment?" Roxy said with a disappointed look on her face

"R-Right...EVERYONE GET THE F*CK BACK!" I resisted the urge to laugh as Monty turned around and pushed everyone out, closing the door behind him

"Now that's something isn't it?" I said as I look back at her, lightly running my hook against her chin as her tail started wagging from it and her ears fiddled, goddammit she had no right being this adorable...

"I thought I lost you out there..." She said resting her hand against my chest and looking down slightly, but I leaned her head back up to stare at me in the eyes using my hook

"I told you, I wasn't gonna die...I had to come back, I had to come back for you...And our son, heh" I giggled and winked at her, her tail got back wagging  as she wrapped her arms around my neck smiling back at me

"Hehehe, I'm glad you didn't make me a single mom and a widow on the same day" She said to me as she was on the tip of her toes to reach me, I forgot she was a shortie heh...

"How could I ever? I love you lassie and our family...Now I have to think about a new nickname for you..." I said as I made the sound of thinking humming

"Oh, what is that mind of yours coming up with?" She asked while lightly tilting her head sideways

"Heh, I'll stick to darling for now" I leaned closer to her and kissed her yet again, I felt her hand holding onto my face again and her tail wagged hitting against my leg...I love my life

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