Band All Together

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Bonnie and Monty were hugging it out, and the rabbit didn't seem to understand what was going on, I wouldn't blame him...Not like being dead must feel very nice

"Ow! Hey, buddy...Hehe...I missed you too..."

Bonnie was patting that overgrown lizard on the back like a puppy, and needless to say, Monty was crying out loud...Of course not literally because well, we don't have tears...


"Hahaha! What's all this fuzz about? We see each other every day!"

Me and the lads look at one another while Monty puts him back on the floor with an odd look on our faces...So...

"...Who's gonna tell him?"

Bonnie's happy, laid-back expression seemed lost now, his ears moved down a little bit as he moved his glasses to his forehead, letting go of Monty and looking back at us

"What do you mean...? What happened, guys?"

Monty walks up beside Bonnie and in the middle of us, looking back at our friend before looking off to the side, and then back at him

"...Sigh, listen bro...What happened was that you got scrapped...It was my fault, I-I went haywire a-and-"

The gator didn't seem able to keep his words straight...His optics darted from side to side while they closed the slightest bit, his head shaking too as if he still didn't forgive himself for what he had done...Poor Monty...Then, Bonnie walks up to him and holds onto his shoulder

"Hey, quit it"

Monty looks up at Bonnie, almost pleading, he was looking for forgiveness I was sure of it...Even though, we can't really blame him for what happened...I just had a gut feeling that Bonnie already knew of the situation to some extent...I wonder how...

"I knew it, that wasn't you, bro..."

Bonnie seemed so...Calm, he was always like this, but...Even over this?

"I could see it in your eyes, you have nothing to apologize for, Montgomery, you and I both know that wasn't your fault and I would never forgive myself if I even thought about blaming you for something that wasn't your fault...Whatever happened, happened, regardless of the reasons, you're here and so am I, I'm happy that you and everyone else came back to me...So, above all else...Thank you, best-buddy"

Bonnie raised his fist, putting a smile on his face offering Monty a fist bump, he looked back at him almost speechless, before putting on a smile of his own and returning the fist bump with laughter

"Hah! Anytime, brother!"

I crossed my arms with a relaxed smile...Finally, the band's back together again...Even after so long, everything seems to be always the same, us, a big ol' happy family...Thank you for taking care of us when we needed it the most-


"Huh? Who's Charlie, Foxy?"

Roxy turned towards me and tilted her head to the side a bit, did I say that out loud? I...I'm feeling a bit...Weird, I don't feel like myself...Yet...I never felt more...Alive...

"I...I don't...Remember..."

Bonnie, Freddy, and Chica looked back at me, seemed the name rang a bell for all of us...A feeling of gratitude was taking me over as if I owned something to whoever Charlie was...All of a sudden we felt the ground rumbling a bit, Freddy shut his chest compartment with Gregory inside and we all braced ourselves to not fall on the ground, Mangle looked around and yelled

"What was that?!"

Freedy and I looked at one another, Music Man? Nah...Lad's always asleep at this time, we heard a loud screeching coming from deeper in the underground, the alarms started buzzing like crazy and I raised my head, the ceiling was starting to collapse...Fuck-


Everyone starts running the best they can, aiming to get back to the surface, the pieces of the ceiling falling off above us, but we manage to escape the collapsing place before we get crushed, I take a quick look over everyone counting to see if we missed anyone

"Anyone hurt, lads?"

Everyone seemed pretty alright, but I was still confused...What the hell was that down there?

"So much for a rude awakening...Hehe..."

Bonnie pokes fun at the situation, and everyone looks back at him with clear disappointment...And he raised his hand and prepared to say something, before lowering his hand

"Okay, I'll shut up..."

"Anyway, was that Music Man?" Roxy asked as she got herself up straight

"I don't think so...He doesn't get up until it's showtime, lad's a slob..."

We all started to head back to the Rockstar Roll, it felt really off...Why would the factory just start rumbling like that? Did we miss something in the Underground? I thought that weird rabbit was the only thing that place was hiding, I just hope he stays dead...As we are heading back, in the middle of our path, we find Vannessa...VANNESSA!?


I ran forward to a bloody scene, the nightguard on the ground in a puddle of blood, I roll her body and saw her slit throat and a disemboweled body...My gosh...There were so many different wounds on her...Puncture, I was running a scam to try to find anything  that could tell me any clues of what happened, Chica approached and crouched down, as she stared down just the same as me, we heard some rolling of wheels echoing across the ground with a chuckle, the quick snapping of metal, I raise myself looking around

"W-Who's there?!"

I didn't get any replies, the rest of us were just as confused and looking around, what was that...?

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