"Are you pregnant?"

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Alilith woke up this morning with a weird feeling. Her stomach was feeling tingly but she thought nothing of it. It's a possibility that it's something she ate but thinking back on it she hasn't eaten much. As noon hits Alilith stays in bed listening to the tv. At the point any show was on and she didn't care. She wasn't sick or anything just tired. But had a weird craving peanut butter and apples. Honestly it's not a bad combination.

Alilith sighs in happiness as her brother comes in her room. "Come on Alilith you can't stay in here forever" Marcel says pulling on her blanket. "Yeah I can I'm a vampire remember " she whines pulling on the blanket.

Seeing that this was getting nowhere Marcel walks to her window and opens the curtain. "Seriously?" She groans pulling the blanket over her head to hide from the light. "Come on New Orleans can't function without the queen" Marcel says. Yup she is the queen of New Orleans and her brother is the king.

"Alright I'm getting up" alilith groans out before getting up from the bed. "Alright that's the spirit. Oh and davina wants to see you" Marcel informs her causing her to widen her eyes. "Why are you just telling me!?" Alilith says running to her closet.  It's no doubt that davina views alilith as a positive figure in her life. Everytime something is wrong alilith is the first person to see what's going on.

As alilith is picking out clothes when marcel hears a faint beating noise. He looks around to find the noise but stops when he looks at alilith's mid section. "Am I trippin?" He thinks to himself. His eyebrows furrow in confusion but doesn't speak on it....yet.

"Get out!" Lilith yells throwing anything she can get her hands on. "Aye okay calm down and I'll be at the bar with a friend" Marcel says leaving her room. "A friend" puzzled her because every time he said a friend it always meant a girl and usually she didn't like them.  All the girls he's being home always had no class or just annoyed the hell out of her.

There was one time he took a random girl home she was so drunk she vomited practically everywhere. And who was stuck cleaning the mess? Her of course. Another time the girl got jealous that another girl was already in his house. She tried to explain that they are siblings but that didn't work out either. Hopefully he found a good girl this time because she doesn't wanna have to beat another bitch ass. Hopefully he's trying to be with cami.

Cami was a cool girl, she was smart and pretty. She had her head screwed on straight and was very nice. Cami and alilith didn't really talk much but they always make good conversation. Anyways as soon as he left she ran to her bathroom and turned the shower to the temperature she liked which was very hot water.


Later she went to davinas attic who was just as happy to see her. As she entered the room davina ran to her arms. "Lily! I missed you" davina mumbles still hugging her. "I saw you three days ago crazy" alilith says smiling. "Too long. I've been practicing watch" davina says pulling from the hug. Alilith looks around to see candles set up in a circle around the room. Davina raises her hand and all of the candles began to light. "That is great" alilith says in awe. Lily then turns around to see a big coffin on the side.

"Uh what's with the coffin?" She asks arching her brow. "In here is an original. I'm trying to find a way to kill them" davina answers. "The originals they are back?" Lily asks in disbelief.

Marcel opens the door to an attic and enters, Rebekah following behind him. She sees Elijah's coffin, and moves to enter the room but cannot – she is magically barred entry.

"Invite me in." Rebekah demands. "Gotta ask the lady of the house. Davina, come on out, sweetheart." Marcel calls out as davina and alilith enters the room and stands at Marcel's side. Rebekah's eyes widened in disbelief as she stared at alilith.

"Lily?" Rebekah utters. "Rebekah wow—" alilith gets cut off by marcel. "Invite her in." Marcel instructs. "Hold on I was just talking" alilith says. "As I was saying before I got interrupted. Rebekah wow it's been a minute" she says grinning. "It's so good to see you again. Your brother not so much right now" Rebekah says with a annoyed expression. "Ha I know" alilith agrees.

"Come in." Davina says framing Rebekah to enter. Rebekah enters, strides over to Elijah's coffin and opens it to find her brother inside. She grabs the dagger and starts to pull it out.

"I wouldn't do that." Davina states as Rebekah, magically compelled, shoves the dagger back in. "Who the hell are you?" Rebekah asks. "Davina." She answers before turning to alilith. "She's an old one, isn't she?"

"Well she is an original" alilith says. "which means she can't be killed." Marcel adds on. "She doesn't seem very nice." Davina comments tilting her head. "What she's very nice. Most of the time....Sometimes" alilith says.

"but she hasn't been very nice to me tonight." Marcel says looking back at rebekah who glares at him. "I can see why" alilith mumbles but it is heard by everyone. Marcel nudges her, slightly offended and davina chuckles a bit . "Well then I'm afraid it's time for you to leave." She mutters, Without moving a muscle, Davina magically propels Rebekah across the room, slamming her against walls several times before sending her through a door, which shuts behind her.

A short silence is heard before alilith began talking again. "Well that was intense" she comments. Marcel heard the faint noise again and looked at alilith's stomach. "Uh Lily?" Marcel says gaining the attention of Lily. "Yeah what's up?"

"I keep hearing this faint heartbeat from your stomach. Are you pregnant?"


So how did I do??

Ill be updating more soon I promise. I just have no motivation at all.😅😅😅

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