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Sorry for spelling mistakes!
Madison POV
Booth said to keep the door open as every dad does.
Parker slept on the floor and he let me sleep in his bed. The morning was also fine but one thing I noticed is that when I got home and got into my bed I didn't like how it didn't have the... Parker effect.
It didn't smell like him. The sheets weren't the same as his. And I didn't like how he.. wasn't there.
I ignored it.
- 5 months later (I KNOW IM SORRY) -
Madison POV
The next semester after we were science partners again but we also had a few other classes together.
Parker got his licence so he drove us both too and from school. We normally hung out after school though. And on most weekends. We had spent the last 5 months of our lives together. Laughing and being dumb most of the time but still.
One of the many great things about being close with Parker is that booth and brennan have a pool.
It was the first day of spring break and the whole squint squad was out by the pool talking and barbecuing. I came out of Parker's room after getting into my bathing suit. I had struggled a lot with body dysmorphia but I pushed it aside. I walked into the back yard and immediately jumped in the pool.
I came up from under the water laughing.
Parker jumped in too. I started laughing a little.
"What?" He asked laughing.
"You kinda look like a wet dog" I said between laughs. Truth be told he didn't. His wet hair fell in front of his face perfectly. His freckles were showing.
He looked stupidly hot.
He gasped dramatically and dunked me under the water laughing. We made eye contact. I didn't even realize that his hands were around my waist and mine were wrapped around his neck and resting on his shoulders. Just before I lips were about to connect Christine fell and started crying cause she hurt her knee. We both pulled apart.
We were now more.. touchy with eachtother. While eating his hand was on my waist and as we were sitting down his hand slowly placed itself on my knee. The rest of spring break we spent riding skateboards around the city in bathing suits and I also had shorts but that's not the point. We got icecream, went to an art museum but kept laughing for no reason so we left. We even went out for dinner. It wasn't a normal dinner though. It wasn't a friend dinner it was more like a last minute heat of the moment food truck date. We held hands every where we went. It was like that all the way until school season was about to end.
It was the last day of school and I was at Parker's house. His family and the squints were hosting a end of the school year dinner or something. Me and Parker like the totally responsible kids we are decided to go on a walk and by that I mean we walked around and got high,when it wore off we went to dinner. A very common thing for us. After dinner everybody was talking and drinking wine and having a good time. Me and Parker were chilling in his room watching a movie. It was twilight, my pick of course, and it was at the part in breaking dawn part where Bella and Edward we kissing on their honey moon. Then they went into the ocean,back inside and well.. fucked. Parker seemed a little uncomfortable and I didn't know why. His hand was around my waist and I was leaning on him like always. "Are you okay?" I asked sitting up and looking at him. "Yeah- I'm fine" he said quickly.
"Are you sure because you seem kinda off.."
"Yup. 100% and totally fine" he said looking at me.
"You know you can talk to me right? Are you upset about something?" I asked a little worried.
"I- well- no- I mean- yeah but it's not- it's-" he stuttered. My hands were on the side of his face and I was sitting beside him. "Breath" I said laughing a little. His head rates into my hands. He tucked my hair behind my ear and his other hand was on my waist..

Young love - Parker boothWhere stories live. Discover now