Shower thoughts (NOT PROOF READ)

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Maddison POV
I still have my apartment but most of the time I stay with Parker, it's a.. habit I guess. When his apartment got mold because his next door neighbour left their shower running for 2 weeks while they were out of town- don't ask- he couldn't stay there for a week so he was going to stay with me.
"Have I ever been to your new apartment?" He asked walking towards the door.
"Yes! When you drop me off after a date! Wait have you never been inside my apartment?!" I laughed in disbelief.
I unlocked the door and turned on the light and he followed behind me, I didn't know he was staying with me till this morning and I haven't been at my place since before work so I tried to clean up and get some necessary things.Lamp on in the living room, dishes from breakfast in the sink, overflowing laundry hamper in the corner, bed unmade, bathroom semi tidied except for the bathroom things I use daily and my nightstand drawers stuck open without a reason why.
"It's very... you?" He said trying not to laugh.
"I didn't know you would be staying here!" I said in my defence as he joyfully walked around my apartment.
"You were such a cute baby!" I hear him yell from the hallway. I laugh and say "all babies look the same!" And he says something that catches me off guard for a minute but is also something I didn't know I wanted to hear.
"Ours will be cuter!" He says while walking into the next room but pauses in the door frame.
"Not that I'm saying we are going to- you know not that I don't want to! But- I didn't meant to imply that we!-" he spoke in a panicked voice but was also smiling, "it's okay! I know don't worry!" I laughed a little but then it hit me,
Not that i don't want too
Ran through my head but I brushed it off.
We ordered pizza and watched a movie, falling asleep on the couch, since he normally wakes up at least an hour before me we've never really had a slow morning, just a kiss goodbye and the occasional breakfast but since I lived a block away from the FBI building he got to sleep in.
My alarm went off and i reached to turn it off, I turned back over and rested my hand on his chest, he was sleeping but he put his hand on top of mine and moved it down his chest to his lower stomach and then moved closer to me, if that's even possible. He opens his eves and smiles at me and yawns against the skin of my chest, completely and utterly vulnerable and I couldn't be more in love. He moves his face to kiss me and smiles.

Parker POV
I kiss her not harshly but in a way that makes me think. It's worth being late to work, it was worth being scared to reach out, it was worth sitting by the window in the second last row of desks in high school, it's worth every tear, every ache, every memory, every breath and every hour of the rest of my life because it's not "just a kiss" because she is not and has never been "just a girl", she my girl, my girl who takes pictures of every meal she eats so she can send it to me, my girl who wears my socks without realizing they are mine, my girl who's apartment smells like lemons and cinnamon, my girl who talks not just about how she feels but about how she feels affects everything, my girl who covers the freckles on her cheeks and wears long sleeves to cover her arms when they layer her body, the body she seems to hate but the one I'm grateful supports her every move, my girl who has worn the same nail polish for as long as I've known her. She is not just "my girl" she's the girl. The girl I will spend every waking second for the rest of my life and many life's after because one simply isn't enough, craving and loving. I don't think I've ever realized how genuinely, purely, honestly and remarkably lucky I am to have her to wake up to every day. This is the girl I want, the girl I crave in every way possible and it makes me realize that she is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with, the one I want to continuously make laugh because I want the sound forever ringing in my ears.
While at work I passed a jewelry store on my way to a case, I decided to go in on my lunch break and as I walked into the store I wasn't nervous which was weird because I'm about to buy an engagement ring.
When Maddison turned 16 I got her a ring for her birthday, I found it at a thrift store and felt it had some significance for some reason; it was one of those ring where it has a matching ring, like another half, that's supposed to go on top of it.
She still wears it to this day, I've seen photos of her when we weren't even in each other life at the time and she was still wearing.
I looked around before stopping in my steps, the other half of the ring was on display, talk about a fucking miracle. I knew her ring size since I got her a promise ring before but since she wears the other half now and it sill fits like it was made for her, I don't need to get it re-sized.
I bought the ring without looking at the price which probably wasn't the best idea but it wasn't as bad as I thought besides she'll wear it for the rest of her life. After I got to her place that night I realized the ring was still in the box in my pocket, slight panic rushed through me but I can always put it in my car tomorrow morning. We sit down to watch a movie while dinner is in the oven, we watch titanic because it's one of her favourites and how we always end up while watching a movie comes along. Dinner is out of the oven and we are on the couch and she's laying on top of me and my arms are around her, we are still in our
"Work clothes" but couldn't care less.
"I should probably go shower" i say longingly.
"Me too" she sighs and gets up,
"I'll just wake up early and shower" i say sitting up, "what do you mean?" She asks confused and walks into the bathroom, I pause.
"I don't want to stay up too late so I'll shower in the morning"
"Don't be stupid just shower with me it's fine" she says turning on the water. I'm standing in the door of the bathroom now, not knowing what to say because I want to, believe me I really fucking want to, but I don't know if that's what she means or not. Really? I whisper as if it's a secret,
"If you don't want to or are not comfortable with it, it's okay I promise you don't have too, I'm just saying if you want to shower, shower" and unzips her dress, letting it fall to the floor. I think I just had a stroke. I take off my jacket and unbutton my shirt and so on, when I look up she's already in the shower, the steamed glass paneling cover her; I open the shower door and step in. She's turned around facing the water and washing her hair, I'm already about to get hard somehow.
"Here" she picks up a bottle from the shelf and passes it to me, it's my brand of shampoo and for some reason I smile, she has my brand and scent of shampoo in her apartment for me.
She turn around to rinse her hair out and I'm trying my hardest to not stare at her and make this seem sooooo casual but holy fucking shit.
Not to sound like a douche but nice fucking tits.

Without a second thought she starts washing my hair and I'm smiling the entire time, that always seems to happen when I'm with her.
Even though she's standing in front of me naked, soaking wet in a shower and washing my hair I still can only focus on the little things right now.
I notice how the reason she smells the exact same as she did when we were kids is because she still uses the same soap, I notice how she leaves her all her jewelry on in the shower, I notice how I'm no longer in a constant state of flight or fight since work, I notice her hands from time to time will drop to my waist and then back to my hair.
I don't think I will ever understand how she doesn't stare in the mirror in admiration 24 hours a day but I know if I could I would because even after this long of knowing her, all I want to do is know her more.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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