-°~Chapter 33~°-

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Word Count: 1,090

Saw a movie called "The Cult Of Humpty Dumpty" and gotta say, it sucked.
No One's POV:

Izuku couldn't even flinch when the blonds slammed open his door this time.

Sighing Izuku turned around to see what the blonds wanted, he figured they probably wanted to take him on another date, maybe just hang out, honestly at this point he thinks he's down for just about anything.

"Your meeting our class"


The confusion must have shown on his face because not even a few minutes later Denki was scrambling to explain.

"Sorry, what I meant was our class wants to meet you, they uh found out that we had a 3rd soulmate so obviously them being them they want to meet you!" Denki clarified, he thought about telling him about how he accidentally rambled to Katsuki about him in the living room but.. He'd better keep that part to himself.

"You don't have to.. Kami knows I wouldn't, so don't think your being forced nerd!" Katsuki stated with narrowed eyes, Denki elbowed him in the side for the name calling but honestly as long as Izuku didn't tell him to knock it off he'd do as he pleases (That's a lie).

"Uh.. Are you sure that'd be a good idea?" Izuku questioned, I mean anxiety and new people don't exactly mix.

"Well.. Why wouldn't it be?" Denki questioned as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Aside from my crippling anxiety, I don't exactly expect them to not ask questions, specifically questions about my nonexistent quirk, and just because their your classmates doesn't mean I trust em" Izuku stated like it was the most obvious thing ever, and maybe it kinda was.

"Psh, if they even dare think of you in a wrong light I'll blow their asses to heaven to they can fall to hell" Katsuki stated with an eye roll.

"Katsuki!" Denki screeched as he looked at Katsuki in surprise, those were still their classmates (he agrees tho)!

Izuku couldn't help but let out a startled snort at the sudden threat, he, in fact, did not expect this to be what they wanted to drag him along for today, though if Katsuki really was gonna act as his guard dog...

"Sure, as long as I get scary dog privileges" Izuku stated as he turned back around to continue writing in one of his old notebook, he was just making sure everything was correct..

Katsuki was about to questione the scary dog privilege thing but before he could even open his mouth Denki was practically shoving him onto the floor.

"That was a given!" Denki stated as he jumped over excitedly, Katsuki only grumbled angrily in the background at being ignored.

Izuku quickly slapped his notebook closed before he turned around in his chair to look at Denki, who was now behind him.

"So when am I gonna meet them?" Izuku questioned, if he had to guess it'd be tomorrow or something.

"Right now!" Denki stated happily.

"What." Izuku couldn't keep his thoughts to himself this time.

"Mhm! Let's go!" Denki stated as he hauled Izuku out of the chair.

Izuku groaned loudly in protest, this was gonna be a long night.


It took a bit longer then they expected to get there, Izuku likes to think it wasn't his fault, because I mean really it was their fault, they could've just told him no to being dragged but instead they listened to him and dragged him the rest of the way to the hero's dorms, really, totally not his fault.

"Son of a- JUST WALK GOD DAMN IT" Katsuki yelled as he dragged Izuku into the dorms by his legs, Denki so graciously held the door open for them.

"NO!" Izuku yelled.

"DEKUUU!!" Katsuki screeched.

Denki had to admit, this was extremely amusing.

He allowed the door to close as Izuku and Katsuki were fully in the dorm, Izuku was now sitting up as he teased and poked fun at Katsuki, who raged with a pretty pink bluse, which of course Izuku teased him about, looking over he could see the class was way to busy in the kitchen to actually notice the were here, they were also entirely to loud to hear Izuku and Katsuki messing with each other.

"Hey Mido, Katsuki?" Denki called for their attention, to which he quickly got.

"Sup" Izuku said as he popped the p.

"Ya ready?" Denki questioned as he tilted his head in the direction of the kitchen, where Iida's yells could be heard.

If you listened close enough, you could probably even hear his hand.

Izuku looked over at the kitchen for a moment, taking a minute to really think it over, he could run if he wanted to, there was still time, though  with all the work they'd been putting in to make this work.. Well, maybe it was his turn.

"Yeah, let's do this" Izuku stated with a small smirk, that probably looked like he was planning something.

Nodding Katsuki helped Izuku up from the ground, and just in time seeing as Iida walked out of the kitchen looking defeated, once he noticed Izuku and them he brightened up a bit.

"Izuku, Katsuki, Denki" Iida greeted polightly.

"HI Iida, what's going on in there?" Izuku questioned as he looked at the kitchen, that was very loud at the moment.

"Uh.. Nothing to worry about, but maybe don't eat anything they've made" Iida stated sheepishly, Katsuki groaned loudly in the background.

"So.. We're ordering take out?" Denki questioned awkwardly.

"Yes.. Just give it a minute, any minute now they'll be-" Iida started but was interrupted by a yell from the kitchen.

"OKAY THAT'S IT! HAND ME THE PHONE! WERE ORDERING PIZZA" Mina yelled from the kitchen.

"That" Iida finished, all to familiar with this.

Izuku nodded as he tried to hide the smile that covered his face, though now that it was significantly quieter the class started to pour out of the kitchen, someone with short purple hair was the first to notice them.

"Oh, Bakugou and Denki's soulmate is here" She(?) stated as she pointed at Izuku.

"Oh look, the emo is here" Izuku stated as he also pointed at her, to which made a blush form on her cheeks.

"That was uncalled for.." floating clothes muttered, if Izuku didn't have good hearing he probably wouldn't have heard it.

Though Izuku didn't say anything about it, he didn't want to cause a scene.

Soon enough he'll learn that he should have said something earlier.

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