Chapter 26 - What Rage Reveals

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 "Ah, shit, this is just what we need," Kenny groaned as the door of the truck banged open and Kasper burst out of it.

Gabi snorted derisively. "This one's all yours, Oaklynn. I'm just about done making your stalker my problem."

To his surprise, the Karkadda was alone, with no sign of Mercy or Rory. His movements were frantic as he came racing towards them, an expression of barely contained panic on his face. Luke exchanged a concerned look with Oaklynn and she gave him a small shake of the head. Steeling himself, he turned, facing square on as Kasper approached.

"Oaklynn!" he called. "I heard they called you in. I went to the station but Nalen said you'd left..." His voice trailed off as he came skidding to the halt a couple of meters away. His eyes narrowed and flickered from Luke to Oaklynn, then briefly flashed to the others.

His expression morphed from one of surprise to one of fury in an instant. "You."

"Kasper, wait!" Oaklynn blurted, stepping between them. "It's not what you think."

"You were told to stay away!"

"Hey, it wasn't my idea," Luke shot back. "Nalen called both of us in here. I had nothing to do with it."

"After everything, you still can't leave us alone?" Acid burned in Kasper's words. He took a step forward. Then another. "You selfish bastard. All you care about is getting what you want, isn't it? Well it ends today."

Luke felt his hackles rising as he met Kasper's stare. Every time something he managed to take a step forward with Oaklynn, every time he broke down a barrier the Karkadda seemed to be there to block their way. He couldn't take it anymore.

"So you're threatening me now?" he spat.

"Was I being too subtle?"

"Words are cheap, tough guy."

Kasper's face split into a bitter smile. "Oh, I can show you a lot more than words. Should have let those bastards gut you in the woods."

"Well, you didn't, and here I am."

Oaklynn shot him a warning look before placing herself into Kasper's path. "Kasper, stop this, please!"

In response, he pushed Oaklynn roughly out of the way with snarl.

"Woah, just take it down a few notches, big guy." Kenny lurched forward and placed a restraining hand against Kasper's shoulder.

The Karkadda reacted violently to the touch. Anger flashed across his face and he twisted away from Kenny's grip, shoving the other boy hard with both hands. Kenny squawked in surprise as he went flying backwards straight into Gabi. She yelped as she tried unsuccessfully to catch him, and they both crashed to the ground in a jumble of limbs.

Luke didn't really think about what he did next. All he saw was his friends fall, and he reacted. All the anger he felt towards the Karkadda came boiling over in a single violent rush, and he stepped forward.

And punched Kasper in the face.

The blow connected hard, and Kasper spun away with a snarl of pain. Luke's knuckles throbbed from the impact but he ignored it. He had finally had enough.

"Luke, stop!"

Ignoring Oaklynn's panicked yell he launched himself forward. As Kasper turned back to face him, Luke tackled him to the floor. Rising up astride the Karkadda, he reared back and laid another punch hard across Kasper's cheek.

The boy let out a grunt of pain and twisted himself aside as Luke tried to hit him again. Kasper bucked wildly, throwing Luke sideways. A kick smacked him in the thigh and a fist smacked into his ribs. Luke coughed and jammed a knee into Kasper's midriff in response. Then he pushed with that leg to shove himself clear, rolling and scrambling to his feet again.

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