Chapter 35 - Exceptions to Every Rule

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And it was here, at what used to be a quiet woodland plantation, that a true horror was uncovered on the sleepy coasts of Lasquette Bay.

Over the course of two days of investigation following an anonymous tip, sheriff's deputies have uncovered more than forty bodies. Many of these individuals, we're told, bear the same wounds as the victim's of Lasquette Bay's 'Burning-Eyed' killer – in reference to a local legend in this lakeside town.

A number of other individuals have also been reported among the bodies, identified by authorities as members of an occult group known to be operating in northern Michigan. While no details have been released by investigators as yet, it is understood that these occult members are thought to have been behind the killing of three students from East Lasquette University.

Evidence also points these individuals being responsible for the wildfire that swept through Lasquette's woods three days ago, preceding the abduction of more than forty citizens who were taken to the woodland plantation.

We'll bring you all the details as they come, but one thing is clear. After the deadliest spree of killings in Lasquette Bay's history, this town will never be the same again.

Luke watched the news report play out, feeling sort of numb to the drama of it all. He had to admit, Gallie and the Karkadda had done a good job giving Sheriff Nalen a trail to follow, something with just enough kernels of truth in it that it would satisfy him. It meant leaving many of their dead companions behind to sell the diversion, though. The thought made him squirm uncomfortably. It was all done to mask the involvement of him and his friends, and to keep the Karkadda secret buried.

Nobody knew what had become of Coach Gore. Part of him had expected her to rush off to Sheriff Nalen and try to turn them all in after what they'd done to her, but maybe her confrontation with Kasper had been enough to frighten her off the face of the Earth. Either that, or fear of what DeVergne would have done to her if he'd survived the night.

Regardless of the why, she'd disappeared without a trace, and with her any incriminating evidence of their raid on the University's equipment store. Kasper smuggled them back onto campus and they returned the stolen gear. Then they went back to their dorms. And got up the next day.

And had to pretend they knew nothing about the carnage of the night before.

Kenny lounged on the bean bag beside his bed, with a bag of potato chips in one hand. Gabi lay on her back perpendicular to him, her head resting on his thigh. She looked like she wanted to bury into herself and disappear, shoulders hunched and arms folded tightly as she watched the images on the screen. She'd barely spoken since showing up at their dorm in the morning.

"Devil worshippers," Kenny chuckled blackly, tossing a chip into his mouth and crunching down, shaking his head. "You think Nalen and the boys'll go for that?"

"If they've got nothing else to go on." Luke shrugged. Sitting in a chair at the kitchen counter, he sipped at a coffee. Things felt strangely calm now, after all the weeks of tension. Knowing that DeVergne was gone, the poachers were dead and nobody was watching his footsteps anymore – it left him feeling a little strange, like he had nowhere to direct all the nervous energy he'd been channelling for such a long time. Now things were back to ... normal.

Well, normal-ish.

"It's weird," Kenny continued. "Not being able to tell anyone about what we really know about all that. Like, we're the good guys, but we have to act like we've got the big dark secret."

"Well, we do have a secret."

"Yeah, I know, I just mean, would be nice to get a bit of recognition for being the heroes of the hour, wouldn't it?"

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