Chapter 1

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"Robin Hood, you got anything?" I called out, walking to our meeting point. I got no reply. As I stepped into the clearing, I saw daryl stood there crossbow in hand like always and 5 squirrels hung over his shoulder. I huffed asshole won the bet "pay up lee" he muttered.

Something I've learned over 2 months of knowing Dixon brothers was that they other muttered everything or were yelling in your face. I've yet to see another way of either of them talk.

"Yeah, you win, you get the rest of the jerky" I huffed at him, his lip twitch up slightly. I smiled back.

Another thing I've learned about Daryl is that he doesn't show emotion unless is 'fuck off' or 'I hate everyone' so when I get the slightest lip turn or anything. I take it.

I've been trying to see how long it will take me to get him to laugh, and I mean really laugh. Not the type of laugh he did when Merle fell over a tree into what he hoped was mud, it was not.

I smiled at the memory, walking back to the camp, we were quite like always but it wasn't the awkward quiet and it wasn't the type of quiet to make you think about all the bad things in life. It was a good quiet.

I noticed he stopped walking, I turn to look at him to find him already staring at me, well more my ass. This wasn't the first time either. "you want to stare anymore Robin Hood" I snapped at him, dude always stares at me it's creepy. His demeanour shift instantly, he turn and started walking the opposite way to camp "where the hell you going" I asked, toning down my rudeness.

"you should head back," he muttered turn away.

Shit, it's taken me 2 month to get him to actually talk in full sentences to me and even then I don't get sentences, sometimes it just grunts or nods.

If he wants to sulk cuz I caught him looking at my ass then so be it, man baby. "see you around Robin Hood" I muttered and walked off.

If I had stuck around 10 seconds longer I would've hear him finish saying "in this life or the other"

It was a thing I started saying to people when they left, but no one said it back to me. Idk what it is, it just a sorta goodbye with out it being a permanent.

I've lost to many people in my life already. Now with a load more people coming into my life. There bound to be death. These people at the camp weren't military like me or police like Shane or even hunters like the Dixon brothers.

There would be deaths, I hated thinking about it


I pushed through the last few bushes. I looked over and saw a red sports car and a van we didn't have this morning. I frowned.

I looked around to see most people other looking at me. I froze to my spot not like the attention on me.

"Aunt kaylee!" Carl voice broken me out of the staring at everyone.

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