Chapter 7

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Smoke, fire, gun shots and screams that all Kaylee could hear and see, her view wasn't clear it felt foggy. She couldn't understand where she was. The last thing she remembered was Jim saying saying something about digging holes.

The smoke from the fires and the screams that came after each gunshot, continued to confuse kaylee, she didn't understand. She was not supposed to be back here.

Her mind was spinning, turning around she cam face to face with someone she thought was dead "Logan?" She crocked out, "you kills us kay, you left, you killed us all" his voice filled with evilness. She looked around and finally realised where she was Iraq. She was back in that terrible place. Her squad all dead on the floor, some not recognisable. Tears swelled up in her eyes.

"No no" she screamed.

Outside her tent, the young grimes boy frightened from the screams of his aunt quickly ran off to find his dad, when he couldn't find him Carl opted for the redneck kaylee told him about.

"Excuse me?" He spoke up to the man, "what ya want kid" Daryl asked. "It's aunt Kaylee somethings wrong" that all Daryl heard before he took of toward kaylees tent.

Unzipped her tent he found kaylee thrashing around in her sleep, mumbling thing he couldn't quite understand. "Lee" he shook her shoulder, and again untill she woke up with panic in her eyes.

"What? Where are they?" She asked, Daryl frowned, "who lee? Who" with his words it like kaylee snapped back into reality. Quickly shoving him away. "Nothing don't worry about it" she told him.

"Kaylee, What was that?" He asked one simple question but she couldn't help but snap at him, it wasn't his fault. "Can't you just mind your business" she stormed out of her tent. Leaving a very confused and annoyed Daryl!


After an hour or two walking around the woods trying to get her head around the dream she had, well the nightmare. She hadn't had a nightmare of Iraq for years. After that final tour, she never went back. Was picked up by a different part of the military. The darkness part of the military. The part that made thing go bump in the night.

After a few year of that Iraq felt like nothing, but that because she doesn't think about it, how she watch her squad be ambushed and killed. Only two making out alive was her and Logan.

Walking through the final bit of woods, the scene she came across blew her mind, Daryl holding an axe towards jim and Rick pointing his gun at Daryl. What the fuck did I miss she thought.

"We don't kill the living." Rick spoke loud and clearly so everyone could hear, most people nodded, however kaylee just put her head down, "That's funny coming from a man who just put a gun to my head." Daryl muttered,

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