Ayanokoji Atsuomi's visit

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3rd person POV:

Chronos: "Sooo, we are gonna watch another event that happened in future... and this video will be the most interesting one till now."

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu. Most interesting you say..."

Kanzaki: "Why do you say most interesting?"

Chronos: "Because in this video you will get peak into Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's past..."

Kiyotaka: 'sighhh... well I expected this, I hope he shows nothing troublesome, who am I kidding? everything about my past is troublesome...'

Kei: 'Kiyotaka's past...'

Nagumo: 'I can get some information against him...'

Horikita: 'His past huh? He specifically told me not pry into his life... but I can't help but be curious after Chabashira sensei's words.'

Ryuen: "Oii loli, you told you are his childhood friend right? You know something about his past?"

Sakayanagi: "Fufu, indeed I know about his past Ryuen-kun but I'm not obliged to tell you"

Ryuen: "tch"

Chronos: "And Kanzaki, pay attention to this video because you are gonna be surprised..."

Kanzaki: "Me?" 'Surprised? What does he mean?'

Chronos: "Ok... before we start the video I'm bringing one person...

Then a wild Chairman Sakayanagi appears...

Teachers: "Chairman!!"

Arisu: "Papa!"

Sakayanagi: "Oh! Hi Arisu!"

Chronos: "Now, let's start the video!"

Chabashira-sensei called out to me.


"Do you want something?" I asked.

"Yes. Follow me. We need to talk."

"That's going to be difficult. I promised Horikita I'd meet her,"

I answered, coming up with an appropriate-sounding lie.

Horikita: "You should stop doing that..."

Kiyotaka: "But its quite useful."

Horikita: "tch"

"As a teacher, I don't want to be careless. But circumstances being what they are, this is necessary." Chabashira-sensei, who was usually inhumanly composed, wore a strangely vulnerable expression.

Kiyotaka: "I have a bad feeling about this..."

"I have a bad feeling about this," I said.

Kiyotaka: "ohh... coincidences can be freaky"

Everyone had few laughs from this...

"Unfortunately, you can't refuse. This is extremely urgent," she replied.

Resistance was futile. I decided to follow her, and we moved from the student area to an even more private location.

"Why are we headed over here?" I asked. "It's too early to counsel me on my post-high school career, isn't it?"

"You'll understand soon."

Chabashira-sensei sounded almost flustered, and that worried me.

Hoshinomiya: "Yeah... you are acting wired Sae-chan..."

Whoever she was taking me to see—even if it was the person I imagined— this wasn't normal behavior for her.

Classroom of the Elite: Oneshots and Future reactionsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant