Good Morning

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A knock at my door wakes me up, the early morning sun shines through my rooms tinny porthole. The golden rays illuminate Annabeth's skin as she sleeps. The blanket just above the waist, and her bare back glowing golden. I take the blanket and slide it over her more and kiss her on the temple.

My bare feet hit the ice-cold metal floor and I nearly die. I open the door and Thalia stands there with a grin, then she looks down and her face turns red.

"Um... Percy..." she points down, not blinking.

I look down and see that I am still butt naked, "Oh no..." I say and look back to her face, my body unable to move.

"Well.... Here... and head to the Command Deck when... when you put away your lar- when you get dressed." She hands me a bag of what I can assume are fresh clothes. She looks past me to the sleeping Annabeth. "And I'll have her clothes brought here too." She takes one last look at me and closes the door.

"Hmm... who was that?" Annabeth says, I turn around as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes.

"I may have... accidently flashed Thalia." I say sheepishly.

She stops rubbing her eyes and freezes. Then she laughs. "I hope she like it, otherwise you're going to HR on your first official day as her boss." She laughs more.

"Ha-ha." I laugh sarcastically, and toss the bag onto her.

"What's this?" she asks opening the bag. "Ooh, clothes.... oh... military clothes."

"Can you make and outfit for me?" I look at her.

"Sure... what color do you want, black, black, or black?" She pulls out military uniforms, all black.

"I do like black." I nod as she sorts out different outfits of the same color and identical. She tosses one over and I throw it on.

"No-no." She scoffs and I look at her confused. She gets out of bed and starts to fix my uniform, "You have to tuck the shirt in." she says shoving the ends of my shirt into my pants. She looks me in the face. "Your enjoying this arnt you?" she glares.

"Yes, very much." I nod, she scoffs and laughs. Another knock at the door, I turn to open it.

"Wait Seaweed brain!" Annabeth yells hoping in bed and covering herself. "I don't want to flash someone too!" she nods and allows me to open the door.

"Here, and get up to the Command." Luke tosses me another bag of clothes. "And why do you have Annabeth's... clothes..." he looks past me and see's Annabeth covering herself with the blanket.

I can't help but smile. "Alright, I'll be right up.... actually, where is it?" I ask. Luke just scoffs and walks away. I close the door and look inside the bag. "Aw, no fair! You get actual clothes." I complain and toss the bag onto the bed.

After Annabeth gets dress, she leads me up to the Command Deck. A large room filled with huge screes of New York, other states, news casts, and radars. People sitting in rows with computers all typing and doing something important I'm sure. Annabeth's Mom stands in the center of the room looking at the largest screen, in a video call with many different Military bigshots.

"The mission brief for my team starts soon, Ah here is the Squad Lead, Percy Jackson, Aka Poseidon." She wave me to stand next to her.

"Jesus... Athena, how old is this kid?" One bald angry man says.

"I'm 17 sir." I say nervously.

"Zeus, he may be young, but he, my daughter and their friend are the only ones on all of our forces to actually survive and kill the infected." She says.

"Kid, how many infected did you kill?" Zeus says.

"7 freaks and 2 humans." I say.

"Only 7? Get this kid out of here!" Zeus snaps. "Get a real leader who can kill these infected!"

"I killed 7 infected with a sword and my hands, I can handle myself you bitch!" I snap.

"Ok, see you guys later." Athena ends the call and starts laughing.

"What did I do something wrong?" I ask.

"You..." she tries catching her breath. "You just called the President of the United States of American a bitch!" she laughs harder. After a bit she finally can breathe again, "Ok-ok... I'm starting to like you kid." She says and pats my shoulder, I shoot a look at Annabeth, and she smiles excitedly. "Don't think much about what Zeus says. You are more experienced with the infected than most of the military, in close quarters."

"Mom, can me and Percy get a bigger room?" Annabeth says. My stomach drops.

"Sure, why not." She says. "I heard what Luke saw in your room, I figure there's no fighting you two." She sighs. "I'll find someone who can move your stuff, oh and Percy there's a call from the USS Legion, can you take it for me?" Athena waves and walks out of the Command Deck.

"What the hell was that?" I ask Annabeth. "She was really cool there."

"I think we just won over her... maybe?" she shrugs. "Take it as a win."

"Sir a call from the USS Legion." A girl stands near me and says. "Your orders?"

"Accept the call." I say feeling confused and that I shouldn't be here, and why is she calling me sir?"

The big screen flashes on, Brown long hair and a warm smile. Fill the screen.

"Mom?" I say loudly. 

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