2 || "Ghosts" are dicks

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There has recently been some new scientific evidence which points toward the existence of ghostly phenomena

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There has recently been some new scientific evidence which points toward the existence of ghostly phenomena. According to—

I slam the Ghost and Spirits Mythology book closed, convinced I'm half out of my mind. The other half is still open to the possibility that he is, in fact, a ghost, but I can't believe it. Nope. Believing in Santa Claus and The Easter Bunny are different. Of course, I don't believe in them now, but the same thing applies here. They're cultural beliefs to people who just want to believe. To accept their ancestors or loved ones is paying them visits, and I'm not knocking anyone for having blind faith, but not this girl.

If so, where's my dad? Why would a ghost that only I can see be a boy that I never even met?

Bullshit. I call bullshit.

I walk the book back to its respective place on the shelf and scrub my hands down my face. The school library is immense. There're shelves and shelves of books, but barely enough students that utilize the space. Not many of them read anymore, but I find books far more interesting than people. There's so much knowledge, and so many stories to be told. So many hidden gems, and I'm not talking about anything supernatural.

Choosing to trust my instincts, I spend the rest of my free period in the greenhouse. It's a recent addition to the school when they introduced clubs. I joined photography since I've been in love with pictures since I was little. The saying is true: Pictures are worth a thousand words.

Photos can make me feel so many emotions. I can look at a picture that I took years ago and find myself still emotionally affected. It makes me feel included. My favorite spot for pictures is the airport arrival. It's usually the places no one expects that hold the most love. So much happiness that words can never explain. It makes me feel things that seem so foreign.

I usually only take pictures of people when they're not looking, but my instructor told me to step outside of the box. She challenged me to find beauty in a rare place or thing. What better thing than flowers?

Leveling the lens to my eye, I snap a few photos of the purple hyacinths, aiming for a variety of different shots. Hyacinths tie into Greek Mythology, which is the idea for my story. Purple represents forgiveness and sorrow. It calls out to me.

I adjust my position and stand on a nearby bucket for a higher shot, but something is blocking my view. It's not purple and it damn sure doesn't look like a flower.

Okay. Maybe I'm tripping. I'm going to remove the camera from my face and see it's nothing. I have too much on my mind. That's it.

With my body frozen in place, I take multiple deep breaths, while repeating that it's all in my head.

After a little countdown, I open my left eye first and lower the camera, and all in a split second, I'm tumbling down, like I've lost feeling in both my legs.

A throaty scream escapes my lips before I can even hit the ground. And before I know it, I'm winded. Everything seems so far away, and it feels like I'm in the air forever. My bones rattle, and my elbow hits the ground first. The sharp pain echoes through my body, a stabbing flash of discomfort, resembling little needles dancing around the bone.

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