4. Grocery Store Stalker

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Billy had set his alarm to 9 AM considering that he sleeps in and he wanted to get to see you. He gets out of bed not tired at all. He's been overly excited all night. He still had his clothes on from last night since he went right back to bed when he came back home. He was about to walk over to his closet until he noticed the Polaroid pictures of you he took last night. He picks them up and looks at them one by one.

The first one he took of you, you were laughing in enjoyment at Casey's remark she had said, biting your fingernails trying to think, fixing your hair (ignore if bald), and laying on your belly on the bed. He smiles at them all. He wants to do more later. He then looks over at his pinboard he had hanging beside his bed. He goes over to his drawer and grabs a few pins and starts pinning them to the board.

It's pretty crazy that he just saw you yesterday, but he's falling extremely hard now. He observes the pictures of you, then walks over to his closet to get dressed. He leaves his room and hears his dad talking. He pauses and puts his ear against the door to listen. "I would love to see you maybe in a couple of days~" he flirted to someone over the phone. Probably mom. He shrugged and made his way down to the kitchen to get breakfast. He just grabbed a waffle since he wasn't that hungry.

He then ran back across the hall and into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He then goes over to the backdoor about to leave until OH, WAIT! He runs back into his room to go get the Polaroid camera. He runs out the backdoor and starts walking his way out the driveway. A car then drives past his house and he looks at the people through the window and sees some other woman and..YOU?! His eyes widen and he sprints back to his porch to grab his bike and hops onto it and starts peddling extremely fast to follow your car.

He manages to catch up, but slows down his pace so you guys don't think anything suspicious. He follows your guy's car into a grocery story parking lot. Billy drops his bike and slowly follows you guys into the store. He saw the woman next to you which he was assuming your mom. You and your mom both turn to go to the frozen food section and Billy follows you. He goes over to another section to act normal, but with his eyes still on you. Heartbeat. Heartbeat. "I think we should get mushrooms" you showed her.

Billy slowly pulls out his Polaroid and starts taking pictures of you. "For the pizza?" Mom furrowed her eyebrows. "Well- for dad" you tried convincing her. Billy listens to your guy's conversation as he proceeded to stand there extremely nervous and shaky. You were his main priority. "Let's go over to the desert section" Mom told you. You follow her and Billy follows you. He goes around the corner to not act suspicious.

"Oh, can I go grab the drinks?" You asked her. "Yes, but hurry" you nodded and ran to the drink section and Billy quickly turned so you didn't think anything. His eyes widened extremely wide. You were standing right next to him!! He just shifted his eyes elsewhere to pretend he was looking at other drinks. Make a move, asshole. "Motherfucker.." you whispered to yourself. Billy's eyes widen again when he heard you swear. Well, atleast he now knows that you're not innocent when you're not around your mom. Talk to her, talk to her.

He takes a deep breath and his eyes shift over to you but then quickly looks away. He can't. Such a fucking pussy. He rubbed his temples, then quickly turned to you. "Hey" his voice shook. "Hi?" You laughed a little looking at him and seeing his nervous facial expressions. "Do you..need help?" He asked nervously. "Actually, yeah, do you know where the Fanta sodas are?" You fiddled with your fingers looking at him. He then starts looking around in a quick pace, then spots the Fantas and grabs one off the shelf and gives it to you. "Found it" his hands were shaking.

"Thanks" you smiled at him and walked back over to your mom. Billy quickly pulls out the camera and takes a quick shot of you and continues following you. His heart was racing and his mind was spinning. He couldn't believe that he talked to you. It's just a girl, why so surprised? He smiled a little to himself, but was still surprised. He was so into you!!

Billy Loomis x Reader |1993| BACKSTORYHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin