Chapter 6

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It has been a few days already since we decided to do this "secret relationship" thing, three days to be exact. The three best days in my life. Not that anything much would've happened. Most of the things stayed the same, we just texted and called more. He texted me non-stop and I loved it. Updating me on every little thing and sending me pictures of what he's doing right now.

I also loved seeing the tiktoks that started since he posted our little "yes story" It even became a hashtag. Everyone was trying to guess what it was meant for and if it had any hidden meaning. We've been laughing at it if I am being honest. I sent him all the videos that had some crazy theory so he could laugh with me and he always did.

"y/n?" the brunette asked and I looked up from my desk at him.

"Yeah?" I asked with a smile, placing my brush on the paper towel I had prepared there.

"Do you have any plans today?"

"Today?" I asked, already being excited about anything he's planning. "Not really, why?"

"Don't you wanna...hang out at mine? I know we shouldn't really go out, but I still wanna go on a date with you. I would cook dinner and we could just...I don't know, anything really." He said and I could see the hope in his eyes. My smile grew even bigger with every sentence of his.

"Of course," I nodded. "When do you want me to come?" His smile when I agreed was something I could watch forever. It was the sweetest thing that just made me fall in love with him more.

"Whenever you're finished with your painting. I don't wanna rush you so just come around dinner time, alright?" I nodded again and we were just staring at each other, smiling, before we both started laughing and I went back to painting, while he continued watching me. Which was something he has been doing for the past 2 hours.

"Ahh I don't know!" I yelled in frustration.

"It looks amazing!" Nijiro reminded me for the third time already.

"But...alright, alright. I'll stop and leave it as it is. I'll see when the paint dries," I decided at the end, looking at Nijiro who had just been smiling at me once again. "What?" I asked confusedly, wiping off the red color I somehow got on my face.

"Nothing," he said, shaking his head. "You're cute,"

"Says you," I smiled, taking the brushes from my desk to clean them up. "Stop watching me and go prepare our dinner." I laughed and walked away, hoping he's just gonna end the call and do what I said. But when I came back the call was still on and I got to see him preparing ingredients.

"I sent you the address, do you know where it is?" He asked when he noticed me and I went to our chat to see.

"Maps will help." I said when I realized I had no idea where it was. "Don't worry, I'll get there eventually," I laughed a little. "But first I need to prepare; I have to end the call." He just watched me for a second before nodding.

"Bye, y/n. See you in a while." He said and I nodded.

"See you, Niji." I answered with a smile and ended the call.

When I cleaned up everything so the only thing left on my table was the finished, but still drying painting, I went to take a shower. Picking up clothes right after and lastly, fixing my hair before I left my apartment.

It took me a while indeed, but I was finally standing in front of the tall building. So he was also living in an apartment. I smiled a little, taking out my phone to text him I am here. I got an answer almost immediately that said he'll be there in a minute to wait.

And he was, he got here in under a minute, just smiling once again.

The best thing about it all was his smile. Smile that I get to see everyday.

"Hey," I said, taking a few steps forward to him. I wasn't sure if I could hug him or not so I just awkwardly smiled at him, looking at his eyes, waiting for him to take me inside.

When we got into his apartment I just had to stare. It looked so fancy but also... normal? I definitely didn't expect his home would be something he would spend millions on, but I was still surprised when it all looked so simple. Not "I don't care about it" simple but more of "I like minimalism" simple.

"It looks amazing," I muttered, taking my shoes off.

"Thanks," He laughed a little. "You do to."

"You know you don't have to tell me how pretty I am that often, right?" I asked even though deep down I loved it.

"I know, I just want to." He said, walking forwards, probably heading to the kitchen. I just silently followed him until he stopped right in front of me and I almost bumped into him. He turned around to face me, "You don't have to be so nervous, just relax. It's not like I am interviewing you." He laughed a little to make me feel better.

"I know," I said, giggling a little at myself. "I just don't really know what I can and can't do." I muttered quietly.

"There's no rules. We are going out," He said, taking my hand. "Come on." he added and I just nodded, smiling, walking towards his kitchen again.

He sat me down behind his table, while he got to get our food. I just sat there, still looking around, admiring his apartment until he came back, placing one plate in front of me.

"I wasn't sure what you would eat...but onigiri felt like a safe option." He said, sitting on the other side of the table to face me. "If you don't want it we can just order though!" He said right away and I had to grin.

"It's alright," I laughed, "I'll eat anything really, don't worry about it." I said, making him sure he picked greatly.

"I know it's probably dumb to say..." he started and I looked up, seeing the worry in his eyes. "Don't tell anyone where I live," he muttered. "Not that I wouldn't trust you or anything," he added right away.

"But privacy is important," I finished for him and he just nodded. "I would never do that, I know - or well I actually don't - how much fucked up you would be if fans found out. I mean, it would be weird and you would probably have to deal with people knocking on you and stuff." I said and saw him chuckle again.

"Thank you," He said, taking another bite. "y/n, I am glad you went to that meeting back then," he said suddenly and I just nodded.

"I am too," I agreed. "How the hell did you even remember me? I was...weird. Giving my best friend's contact info to Kento and stuff, you know," I laughed a little, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"That wasn't the first time I saw you," he shook his head, making me just confused. When he saw the confused look on my face he stopped eating to explain things to me. "I've seen you before you came to that meeting. I was filming with Kento and we went to get lunch. We've seen you looking all over the street. You looked excited and...beautiful." I smiled a little. "You were probably still getting used to Japan." he said and I just nodded. I probably indeed was. "I saw you buying stuff for art caught my eyes, y/n." He said, grinning even more than before and I had to smile too. He was so cute for no reason at all.

"Nijiro Murakami, you've been watching me." I said laughing. "Not more than I've been watching you though." I admitted and he was now laughing too.

"y/n l/n, you are obsessed with me, what are you talking about?"

"You say that as if you weren't on a date with me now," I answered smirking.

"The most wonderful date in your life." He said back, now smirking too.

"Can't argue with that."

"Of course you can't." He smiled. 

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