Chapter 7

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When we finished our food there was a moment where we just stared at each other, neither of us saying anything, just enjoying being there.

"Can I look around here?" I asked, making him slightly confused.

"Yeah...what do you want to find though?"

"I don't know. We'll see." I smiled, getting up while Nijiro stayed at the table, just watching me walk around.

I left the room, going to the door on the right side from me. I looked at Nijiro if I can really get inside and he just nodded. I opened the door and realized it was his room. His whole apartment was surely bigger, I noticed that right after I got inside, but I never thought that just his room could be double the size of mine. I slowly walked in, carefully looking at everything so I could remember it. When I noticed a guitar I had to smile. Walking to it and carefully taking it to my hands.

I looked up from the guitar to see him leaning against the door frame. "You play?" I asked, excited.

"mhm," he nodded, "Sometimes."

"Play something for me," I said with a smile, "please." He just smirked, nodding his head a little, walking to me to take the guitar away from me.

"What do you wanna hear?" He asked, sitting next to me on the edge of his bed.

"I don't know," I muttered.

He just smiled and started strumming the guitar, making me smile too. He wasn't playing any song, as far as I know, but it still felt amazing. He made the simple chords that even I could play, sound like a masterpiece.

I got up from his bed, still watching him play with a smile and took his camera that I saw laying on the desk next to his bed. I walked in front of him, squatting down to take a picture of him.

Soon after, he wasn't playing anymore. We were just both laughing, hoping to stop the time so we could stay in that moment forever. But we couldn't. Not when my phone started ringing.

I took out my phone from my pocket, looking at who's calling me and then moving my sight to Nijiro. "Do you mind if I pick it up?" I asked and he just shook his head.

"Yeah?" I asked, hearing the heavy breaths. "What's going on? Are you okay?"

"Yeah you have time?"

"Plenty," I assured him, sitting on the ground, looking at Nijiro. "Speak as long as you need."

"I won't be annoying you for long, don't worry." Ryan laughed a little, but it wasn't a genuine laugh. He was just trying to make his emotions go away so he could be the 'mysterious boy' once again. "Uhm..." he started, rethinking what to say. "My mom visited me again. She showed up without any warning and...I just wasn't, and still am not, prepared to deal with her." I nodded a little for myself and let him speak more. "She freaked out," he added.

"Fuck," I muttered, putting my hand in front of my mount, as if I was trying to stop my breathing. "What was the reason this time?" I asked quietly, because I wasn't even sure if I wanted to know.

"I had a friend over. A male one. She thought I was dating him and freaked out." Oh my fucking god. I thought, sighing. "I tried to tell her I am not, but she just kicked my friend out and started screaming at me. She left already, but I just...I can't deal with her anymore."

"Ryan, if you want; my apartment is empty. And it's gonna be like that for a few more months," I started, but he tried to interrupt me. Thankfully, he was too tired to argue with me. "She doesn't know where I live, you will be at peace. At least for some time."

"I didn't call you to ask if I can live in your home,"

"I know," I nodded, "But I want you to be okay. You were ( and are ) there for me so it's only on the place that I am here for you too."

"Thank you," he muttered. "I am glad I have you, y/n." 

"Love you, Ryan." I smiled. "Text me when you move there, alright?" When he just muttered something like yeah I hung up, taking a deep breath. I never understood what her problem was. His mom was like that since high school, never believing her own son and blaming him for everything. 

I looked at Nijiro, smiling, trying to go from the bad mood back to the happy one. He put his guitar on the side, his eyes showing me to come to him. I stood up, putting my phone back into my pocket and walked to him. 

"Smile, it suits you more," He said, taking my hand. "Who was that?" He then asked, managing to pull me closer, hugging me around my waist. I carefully hugged him back. It still felt as if I couldn't do that. Hug him I mean. 

"My best friend," I muttered. "His mom is being a bitch. She thinks he's gay." 

"And is she right?" He asked and I just shook my head. 

"Not even a little bit," I giggled. "I am sorry, I ruined the mood, didn't I?" 

"Don't worry about it, you didn't." He smiled and so did I. 

"You're being too good at me." 

"Just as much as you deserve." He corrected me, standing up. "Wanna watch the movie?" He asked with a smile and I just nodded, finally letting go of his hand. "Sit down then, I'll get some snacks, alright?"  

"What did I do to deserve you?" I asked with a smile, sitting on his bed, looking at the tv he has opposite from his bed, while Nijiro left the room, going back to the kitchen. 

When he came back, throwing a pack of chips at me, laughing I had to laugh too. He sat next to me, turning the tv on. It took me some time to persuade him to put on some movie of his, but after a few minutes Hanalei Bay was playing on the tv. Re-watching it like this, with him laying right next to me felt nice. I knew I was falling in love with him all over again. Not just with his character, but with him

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