6,000 Years Worth of Their Love

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*No smut*

Aziraphale grasped the car handle for dear life as Queen blasted in the background.
"Crowley, dear, could you please slow down, I'm becoming light-headed,"
Without a second thought Crowley turned his head to the poor angel and apologized as he quickly slowed down the black Bently. Aziraphale let of a sigh of relief, and smiled at the demon, "Thank you, I'm afraid I may have had too much to drink," Aziraphale chuckled.
"You're staying at my place tonight, I can't trust you to be home alone. I'm sorry, but," Crowleys voice softed and became quiet, "I'm scared for you."
"What did you say, Crowley?"
"Doesn't matter, were almost at my place, just go to bed," Crowley gripped the steering wheel and stepped on the gas.
Aziraphale looked out the window and set his head on the glass, then started to doze off. Crowley glanced at dozing angel and began to blush, once he saw that his face was red, the demon slammed on the break.
"Crowley, my goodness is everything okay?!" Aziraphale awoke and screamed.
The demon didn't break his eye contact with the road, "Yea, yea...its fine. All tikidieboo!" Crowley blushed and slammed his foot on the gas.
After a few minutes of the two "friends" sharing quick glances at one another they pulled into the demon's driveway. Crowley stared off into the distance thinking of why in the 9 circles of hell he blushed.
"Are you alright, Crowley? You seem distraced tonight, was it something I had done?" Azriaphale questioned the demon.
"What, no, no, no, you could never. I'm just...tired. Come on lets get you to bed." Crowley jumped out of the Bently.
The demon ran to the passenger side of the vehicle, opened the door and held out his hand to the angel. The angel looked at Crowley's hand then the demon's handsome face, Aziraphale took his hand. After the drunk angel stepped out of the car Crowley put his hand on Aziraphale's back for support, Crowley knew hw hard it was for the angel to walk when he is drunk. They both stumbled into the front door of the demon's house, Crowley helped Aziraphale through the house to get to the bedroom. Crowley opened the door to the demon's bed and gestured the angel to walk in first, Aziraphale took a quick look around before collapsing onto the bed and falling asleep. Crowley laughed quietly and was about to leave when he heard the angel groan, "No, no, wait Crowley," the angel paused to brup then continued, "Stay here with me! I don't want to take your bed from you."
"Angel, you're drunk, I'll stay with you if you promise to go to bed," Crowley hissed.
"Yea, yea, yea. Come here, friend," Aziraphale reached out his arms.
Stepped back, he felt a pain in his chest, "One moment, let me put on some comfortable clothes to sleep in."
Crowley quickly grabed gym shorts and ran to the bathroom. Crowley threw off his galsses and ran his hand through his red hair. Why they fuck did that hurt, all he said was friend? Just thinking of the angel saying that word made the demon cringe, he shook his head and started taking of his shirt and pants. Crowley walked out of the bathroom to find that Aziraphale was wondering around his room looking at all of the demon's plants and trinkets.
"What are you doing, Aziraphale?" The demon walked tores the angel.
Aziraphale turned around to see that the demon had no shirt on, he was just wearing the gym shorts he grabbed before. The angel's face became so red, it was almost impostible to hide, eventhough Aziraphale tried to. "I...I was just...taking a look around, Crowley...You know I am starting to feel much more sober now. I'll just walk home, thank you though, Crowley, dear!" The angel basically sprinted to the door.
The demon ran infront of him, sense the demon was just tall enough Aziraphale ran straight into the demon's bare chest. The angel's face became even for red, and so did Crowley's face. The grabbed the angel, they hugged for a split second, when Crowley pushed Aziraphale onto the bed and the demon sat on the side of the bed.
"I'm not an idoit, angel, now go to bed or I swear to Satan," Crowley hissed at Aziraphale.
The demon laid next to the angel and pulled the covers over both on them, Aziraphale scrunched up his eyes, scared to even look at the beautiful, shirtless demon next to him. Crowley's eye remained open, he was in complete shock, he never thought that today he was going to be laying against the same angel that he has been falling in love with for 6,000 years. Aziraphale felt the same way about the demon, yet he knew that it was wrong, which only tempted him more. The angel fell asleep, the demon was about to sleep when the angel shifted to his side, laying his hand over Crowley's chest and his other hand under the demon, pulling him into a hug. Crowley look over at the angel, he was fast asleep, the demon thought that it was just the poor angel getting comfertable. Yet the angel knew, it was all just an act, he wanted to snuggle the demon, Crowley's heart started bumping faster and faster.
The demon played along, he placed one hand to the angel's shoulder and the other on his white fluffy hair and rubbed his head for minutes until he fell alseep. Aziraphale woke up the next morning to find himself on top of the demon hugging him, his lips were inches away from the demon's neck, he then saw that the demon was waking up. Crowley turned his head, the demon's eyes grew ten times their size when his head turned his lips touched the angel's. They both looked at each other, they pulled away quickly, they looked at one another then slowley moved closer and started to kiss again. Crowley broke the kiss from their lips, so he could gently suck the angel's neck, Crowley quickly found Aziraphale's soft spot. The angel let out small moans, Aziraphale then started kissing the demon's face, he moved close to Crowley's snake tattoo on the side of his and he kissed it softly. Crowley let out a loud moan, the angel grinned and started attcking his tattoo. They both stopped kissing one another and gased into their eyes, Aziraphale then hugged the demon, the angel started to get comfertable, thinking that he was going to bed when he felt something long and hard poking his leg. They both looked at each other and blushed.

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