2. My Fucked Up Life

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sometimes there is a moment when you know things will never be the same,

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sometimes there is a moment when you know things will never be the same,

I clench my knuckles trying my best to control the volcano threatening to erupt anytime and one thing I'm sure of is the very first victim will be Emmett who is hot on my heels with me blabbering about how I should keep my anger in check,

I killed the fucking urge to shove his arse into the wall and make him understand well that I'm trying but some fuckers like to test my waters and when to drown they tend to beg for life,

"Ky, man come on! Stop being fucking difficult man!" He whines walking beside me, I stop and send his a warning glare that asshole takes an inviting card to fuck with my already worsen mood, "Leave me the fuck alone, Smith!" I seeth but the dearest friend of mine is apparently seizing pleasure in annoying the fuck out of me,

He rolls his eyes and holds his hands up in surrender backing off, "Fine, cry baby do as you wish in the meantime until coach asks your ass in the rink for practice," With this, he strolls away I grip the strap of the bag on my shoulder,

I trek toward the locker room to take a shower before practice begins to ameliorate my sense of murdering Coach William, I push the door open and walk in strip my clothes off,

And enter the shower to cool off my mind, my mind drifts back to what the coach said in the gym I clench my jaw, he thinks I need to learn to calm myself down when it was that cunt Liam's fault not fucking mine! and now because of him, I had to listen so much from a coach though that fucker would've to pay,

I clutch my head under warm water rolling down my naked body, Liam's laugh echoes in my head driving me insane slowly, I breathe hard that fucking voice returns coercing me to hurt... anything, anyone! Fury thrummed through me,

"He fucking doesn't know anything!" I begin to drive my fist into the shower wall repeatedly, Liam's face I imagine how good it would feel breaking that fucking grin off his face until he turns into a pulp I keep hurling punches until my fist felt nothing just numb I start breathing hard shutting my eyes tight resting my forehead on the shower wall,

My mind jerks back by the loud thud of the door and crying of a— girl? I pucker my brows listening, there is a girl out in the boys' locker room inquisitiveness takes the place of anger in me,

I turn off the shower and wrap a towel around me and my foot out only comes to be a spectator of a girl sitting on the bench her auburn black curls encircling her face giving me a hard time seeing her face her shoulders which are shaking a soft sobs are the only sound that is reverberating in here,

I grimace there is a thick layer of blood-like liquid shit on her head dripping over her shoulders tainting her blue hoodie, though she was so engrossed in whaling that did not notice my presence I near the girl and stand in front of her then I get her attention though she did not raise her head her thick black lashes rise to scan me up and down but she doesn't attempt to speak so I did,

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