3. Easy Target Of Bullies

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I flicker the bean onto the plate trying to put it in the soup but fail I sigh my back stiffens as a bunch of girls pass by me murmuring something to one another and giggling I sink into my seat pulling hoodie cap down more till my forehead,

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I flicker the bean onto the plate trying to put it in the soup but fail I sigh my back stiffens as a bunch of girls pass by me murmuring something to one another and giggling I sink into my seat pulling hoodie cap down more till my forehead,

Jesus! these freaking girls has nothing else to do? And here I'm no longer dwelling upon what had happened in the morning with me,

Instead of that my mind has been displaying the vivid scenery of the guy who was being beaten by that guy from locker who said he is the errantry too, his blue-green eyes were as if dead from inside, his whole face was red and that frenetic look on his face... I shutter everyone was watching the scene unfold but no one interfere and how can they when the guy was giving a grip ripper vibes,

I didn't like the feel of his heavy gaze his fury filled eyes boring into mine even when he was busy blowing someone he kept staring at me his knuckles were coated in blood as soon as my eyes snapped to the guy laying there blood dripping from his face I flinched my mind filled with— I shake my head no, I shouldn't think about that... I ran out of the scene,

I sigh that guy who I met in lockers and the guy who was beating someone were too different, one thing is for sure these errantry are scary I will be miles away from them from now on, so far I have attended all my classes without any trouble, thankfully I managed to ignore any type of interaction with those devils I hope my other two classes go smoothly.

someone clear throat I raise my head Scout standing in front of my sight shooting daggers at me, I frown now what happen to him? He sits down in front of me,  "Care to explain why the hell I have no idea about yesterday's incident?" The over dramatic ass cross his arms, "Stop being over dramatic you were busy during school and once I reach my dorm I forgot to tell you," I explain,

He shakes his head like old nanny and give me that didn't-I-told-you look and I know what is coming my way, "I told you Evie didn't I? I put you on guard, not to be noticed by errantry yet you not only let your presence known but got Aron caught by the professor," He throws his hands in the air in exasperation, "So what? He deserved that, he was bullying that innocent guy—" I try to defend myself but he cut me off immediately,

"Listen, Evie, that's what they do regularly here everyone sees but no one raises any questions this is how it goes here," He relaxed his back on the chair, my frown deepened over my brows, He noticed my confusion he sighs, "Look Evie in simple understandable words white are dominators and browns aresubordinators," 

"And like everyone else does here pretend nothing happened,"I shake my head "Are you going to say the same when they would do something to you, Scout?" I narrow my eyes giving him a challenging look, "How do you think I got used to it," He chuckles then started scrolling on his phone shutting the conversation thoroughly,

but this certainly got me in deep thinking, I can't believe this... Such a fucked up luck I got, now I'm stuck here till high school ends, "Evie now don't think too much just ignore being around them it's for the best because we both know neither you have to nor you want to cause any trouble for yourself," He utters and I nod in consensus,

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