4. Oops Get Caught!

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I groan turning on back and shielding my still-closed eyes from the irritating sun rays coming from the window above my head,

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I groan turning on back and shielding my still-closed eyes from the irritating sun rays coming from the window above my head,

Giving in I open my eyes and get up yawning the slight headache reminds me of my not-good health, I scan the dorm and Crystal is nowhere to be seen,

I dangled my legs off the bed stretching my arms and slamming my shoulders I was excited for PE class as I chose volleyball for this year but those devils' incarnation errantry didn't let me... I clench my fists I can still hear all the students laughing at me most of them calling me the N-word, I let go the first time they bullied me,

But this time— they could see my state I was out of breath, sneezing continuously in the locker room yet no one showed up to help me until Professor Finley came along with Scout even though took me to campus's nursing yet my sneezing couldn't stop and throat turned sore and puffiness on over my face I was crying mess,

I sigh shaking my head I shouldn't think of yesterday so much and should get ready for school though I want nothing but to turn into a ball on the bed and not go there ever but if I hide they would win and hell I wouldn't let them have the satisfaction of hurting me and this is my only defense against them I drag my body off the bed pick my clothes and straight to shower,

My eyes stare back into my horrifying state my auburn black hair is everywhere and my eyes are swollen I cringe at myself looking fucking crazy drunker I sigh turning away from the mirror yesterday's stunt take a toll on me,

"Hey... Are you okay in there?" My roommate's voice asks from the other side of the closed door,  "Yeah," I voiced since it's rude to ignore but I need to keep in mind to stay away from whites no matter how much they pretend to care so I decided to take an intended long shower.

I peek into the empty room and smiled yes! I step into the room, "I thought you'd take the whole day I had to use another's restroom bro," I turn startled Crystal leaning on the door frame with an utterly bored expression,

Seems like I need to work on my plans making skills since none work in my favor

"Yeah... I wasn't feeling well so I took a long shower," I turn away from her to pick up my bag Crystal stands in front of me, I cringe seeing the sympathy in her eyes,

Did I mention I hate sympathy?

She engulfs my hand in hers, "I heard what errantry did yesterday," Her eyes soften my body tensed at the mention of yesterday's incident, "Don't mind them they're just jackasses now they are done they won't bother you and it was just a prank—" The pant anger fueled me to withdraw my hand from hers, "Don't mind... Dude...!" I give a sardonic laugh,

"It wasn't a prank...! They bullied me! Second time since I joined school and for the first time because I helped an innocent guy that no one else dared to...!

And yesterday throw back when he tried to insult me in front of the class! They aren't jackasses they are miscreants... Evil who finds fun in others' misery..." I spat she opens her mouth to say something but I give her no chance take my bag and flee,

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