Part 9

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It is the week before winter break and Hermione, Draco, and Pansy meet in the library. they sit between the last shelf and the forbidden section. Hermione pulls Pansy onto her lap to tighten the space of their hidden meeting spot.

"So I asked you to come because I want to talk about what we should give Harry on Christmas. First of all, I want to stay here. I sent a letter to my parents and they are fine with it."

"Did you mention your relationship with us to your parents?" Draco asks leaning forward.

"No...I just am not ready to tell them yet." Hermione tucks her head away shyly.

"Well, hopefully, they will have a better reaction than mine. I thought they would disown me on the spot for how furious my father was."

"What about you P?" Hermione nicknamed Pansy P.

"I did not tell them. They will react the same way or worse than Draco's."

"Alright enough about our parents. What did you have planned for Harry?" Draco quips in.

"I was thinking of spending Christmas in the room of requirement and giving Harry a fun amazing time. He has been busy a lot lately and has been going to the girl's bathroom which is where the chamber of secrets is."

"What do you think he is doing in there? Taming the Basilisk?"

"The Basilisk is dead. I don't know what he is doing but whatever it is must be important that he has no free time to relax."

"Then why not bring him to the prefects' bathroom? That is a great place to relax." The mention of the bathroom brightens Hermione's face.

"That is it! You are a genius P. This is the plan. Before Christmas we will bring our presents for Harry in the room of requirement where we will first get him to unwind with the little secret present that I will plan with Pansy. Then after that, we will bring him to the prefects' bathroom to soak together and please him some more."

"Sounds like a good plan but how are we going to get Harry to let us lead him around? You forget he likes to be in control and lead."

"Leave that to me. Just trust me." Hermione's hand slips under Pansy's skirt and begins fingering her wet core. Pansy stiffens and covers her mouth to stop the moan from being heard. Draco's eyes lower to Pany's skirt as Hermione is moving her hand underneath.

"I trust you, Hermione. Just don't let mommy learn of your little plan or else we will be doing Christmas being punished."

"Like you hate being punished. You were withering in ecstasy on the floor as daddy placed vibrators on your dick." The memory summons a blush on his face.

"At least I wasn't moaning like hell in your little corner shoving that monster dildo deep into your womb. Geez, Granger ease up on the erotic business."

"Hey, I have my preferences. C'mon P, don't you want Draco and everyone to know how naughty and dirty little slut you are. Moan for us." Hermione snaps at Draco and the smirk teasing Pansy's dripping folds. circling the clit and inserting a finger in to stroke and curl.

"B-but, what if Harry catches on?" Pansy whispers behind her hand.

"He won't and if he does ask I will simply say it will be a nice surprise for him. We trust him but he needs to trust us as well. P, we know you want to moan out loud and have everyone here. C;mon, moan little slut." 

"Dear fellow students, please note that any secret meetings will be banned from now on and reported to high inquisitor Dolores Umbridge." The heated moment washes away and eyes glare at the space. 

"high Inquisitor. Umbridge? What is going on?" Draco hisses quietly hating the woman. She has been giving him a vile smirk making him wish every time for Harry to be around so he can hide behind him.

"I don't know but I don't like it. I will speak with daddy about this," Hermione smirks and stops fingering Pansy. She groans softly at loss of stimulation. "Draco, take over for me."

Draco smikrs and grabs Pansy switching place with Hermione. He chuckles when Pansy softly squeaks. Draco being a male has longer fingers than Hermione so he can stretch in further and bring P closer to her orgasm. 

"Oh and Draco, don't make her cum without my permission."

"With pleasure." Draco wraps an arm around her waist to prevent P from escaping and his other hand goes in and out the wet tight pussy. "It is just you and me now Pans."

"Hmhm, Draco...please...."

"You heard what Hermione said. No cumming and I will make sure you don't." Leaving Draco to finger and tease Pansy, Hermione goes to find Harry.

She goes first to the Gryffindor common room and doesn;t see him. She walks to the great hall and does not find him. Sighing, she turns and head to the girl's bathroom and walks to the open sink.

"Daddy!" she calls out and listen for a responce. Perhaps he is in too deep. Glancing back, she licks her lips and jumps in. Holding her cries, she slides down the tunnel and drops on a bed. Brushing her clothes, she stands up from the cushion. The place is quite dark except for the lit up lanterns. Walking further in, she finds many tunnels but does not venture in not wanting to be lost. Tiptoeing to the gaping big round snake door, she peaks in. A bubbling cauldron rests int he center of the room with a table with a book on it, a chair and also a couch. No sign of Harry. Looking over her shoulder, she slips inside the room braving through her fears.

Before she can get a closer look on the potion being made a voice startles her to spin around.

"You are growing more naughty than usual Hermione. I am still wondering if it is a sexy thing or not." Harry emerges from leaning on one of the snake heads. A hard look on his features sending a cold shiver down her spine. 

"I'm sorry daddy I just wanted to talk to you about something important and the chamber was open. I did call but you did not respond."

"And you thought it was okay to come inside."

"It was important." Harry walks closer not showing much emotion setting Hermione on edge. Was this a smart thing? Maybe not with his reaction.

"You couldn't wait for me to come up?"

"You did not answer and clearly this place is deep so maybe you did not hear."

"Hermione, you and I have been best friends for all these years. You know I can let you get away with murder and will surely do with what I have learned of your succubus nature but this...this I will not allow. You are only getting warned right now, Hermione. Do not ever come back in here again. Understand?"

"Yes but why? there is no Basilisk anymore."

"This is no place for a little. This chamber is mine to brave and spend time alone. I do not ever want to see you here again or else it will not end well for you and you will see something you shouldn't need to."

"You're scaring me, daddy." Hermione submissive mind swims around and her body begins to shake in fear.

"You should be scared if you disobey me and come back down here again." Hermione petrified runs off not wanting to see Harry. The crazy dark look reverts her mind to imagine it is Voldemort glaring at her. She will obey this rule though. She will never come into the chamber again. It is evil.

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