Part 19

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Humming fills the room as Hermione feeds her children. Ignotus, Cadmus, and Antioch Peverell the second. Harry has told Hermione, Draco, and Pansy about how he received the deathly hallows mark. How he has been visiting the Peverell brothers in a vision and they have been telling him what to do. Just when the brothers were born, the first trio of Peverell demanded Harry to name the children after them.

"Hermione," she looks at the doorway as Ignotus sucks on her left breast drinking the warm milk. Pansy stands at the doorway of the nursery. "You are not going to eat them, are you?"

"Why would I do that?"

"I just wondered with your succubus being so bloodthirsty."

"Succubus looks after their young. They would never harm a child. Never. I do not ever want to hear you say that again. Am I clear?"

"Yes, mistress." Pansy bows her head and slips away.

Looking back down at Ignotus, Hermione smiles and lays him down to sleep after burping him. Even if she is bloodthirsty and changed significantly with her power, she still has values and motherly instincts to protect her young. She walks around and cleans up the play area. Humming some more, Hermione graces her features with a happy smile. She wouldn't know what her life would be like without Harry or Draco, Pansy, or even her own children. 

"Hey, how are they?" Straightening up, she looks over at Draco walk in. Her eyes take in his bare naked form. Harry has said there is no need for them to get dressed so many times. In the house they can walk naked because they are in the middle of nowhere nor have guests over. It is a law Harry made that nobody dares to visit without consulting him with a letter first. Any who try to barge in uninvited will be insinerated by the shield around the mansion. McGonagall taught Harry the shield they would use on Hogwarts during the war. Harry did use it but also strengthened it with blood runes around the border. Added dementors along a second border of the land so as to get a warning in case of intruders.

"Sleeping. We havem't hanged out much." Walking over, Draco wraps an arm around her enjoying the feeling of her skin on his.

"Yeah. You and Harry still have a strong bond between you. Pansy and I got along but not so strong."

"You two stand each other."

"Yeah. Come. let us leave them to sleep peacefully." They walk into the side door to Hermione third bedroom. The bed has a crib attached to it in case the boys got fussy and wanted to feel their mother's or fathers magic.

Hermione wits on the bed closing her eyes tired. She had not slept at all last night due to the king pounding deep in her. Soon she will be hurling her guts in the bathroom and be pregnant again. Why is it only her? Why not Pansy?

"Where is Pansy?" she asks curiously as to where the girl went off to.

"She slipped into Harry's office and is probably fucking him as he works. I did the same thing for a week because I got a bit horny and needy." humming contently with Draco's lips brushing along her skin up and down her neck. The simple motion is getting her wet. "I can smell your arousal Hermy or should I continue to call you mistress?"

"Mistress." Hermione likes hearing the title rolling off his tongue. "Be gentle. Daddy or should I call Harry mommy for you kept me up all night cumming."

"His hair grew. Damn, he is much sexier with long black hair down to his ass. If we had a little girl, she would be braiding it like crazy." Hermione eyes sparkle and look at Draco in a different way.

"Why not our little girl?"

"Harry would be half of those children."

"But also you would be too." Draco smiles and kisses her. She responds laying a hand on his cheek and humming. Soft as ever. Always tastes of mint. Licking his lips, he opens and allows her to shove her tongue in. they battle before Draco allows her to dominate.

Getting up and moving to sit on Draco's lap, her wet pussy lubing up his hard cock ready for her. Up and down she slides as they push further into the kiss only pulling away to take a deep breath and then back to smacking and smooching. Draco grabs her hair tying it around his hand and the other sliding over her curves and grasping her breasts.

"How many times have these beauties been used? You are not leaving any for us?" Draco speaks between kisses.

"What are you waiting for? Ask mistress nicely." Draco begins to kiss along her neck and across her collarbone. The strawberry body wash is tasty on his tongue as he licks and nips a few places. Moaning hard when Hermione slides right on without warning. He nearly cummed but it would be the end and he does not want it to end. 

"Ah yes, right there." Draco made it down to putting her nipple in his mouth. Some milk drips on his tongue and a new feeling over takes him. He lets go of her hair and grasps her waist sitting up. Hermione grips the back of his head feeling a rush as a grown man is sucking her breasts like a child. The adult teeth and longer tongue licking around and the hot mouth sucking. Her hips begin to slide and turn around on his dick. 

"You taste so good." Draco switches to the next and he switches their position to lie her back on the bed and his hips begin to thrust. Feeling slightly taller, Draco opens his eyes and they widen frozen. Harry is laying on the bed under Hermione smirking at him. Putting a finger on his lips, Draco does not say anything.

"Oh Draco, feels so good. Where did you...Harry!" Hermione knows the huge size shoving in her ass. Turning her head to look behind her, he smiles.

"Thought I would miss this? Oh and Draco I have a surprise for you too to not get left out on double penetration." Draco furrow his eyebrows before moaning when a hard dildo shoved in his ass. Giggles he knows too well echo behind him.

"Pansy!" In a sandwich, the four of them begin fucking in unison creating a symphony orchestra of moaning and screams as orgasms rip through over and over. 


Their heads snap up followed by their laying bodies. Screams reach their ears. The babies. Rushing out of the room and into the baby's room they gawk at the scene before them. They freeze in utter surprise at the five black-cloaked men standing in the nursery and three of them are pointing their wands at the cribs waving in smoke. The babies are dead.

"Long live the king." They say in unison.

The four rulers' eyes change color. The mansion begins to tremble and shake startling the five intruders. Harry's eyes turn pitch black, Hermione's demonic red, Draco's glowing silver white, and Pansy a sky blue. Screaming at once, a forcefield of black magic pushes forward. The five intruders apparate before they get hit by the shield. 

After that ferocious scream and magic, Pansy and Draco's bodies drop unconscious because of the overuse of their magic. Harry's eyes change to green but they glow with a circle of red rage. Glancing at Hermione, he grabs her hand to bring her back to earth. The witch succubus werewolf does not say anything. The only truly terrifying thing there is are those swirling red eyes swearing for revenge. Blood will be split when they find out who is responsible for the children's death.

They will pay beyond death can even imagine.

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