🜂 | fool around and find out

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[this might be the worst thing i ever wrote and i do not know in which way i mean this... but also i feel like I'm finally getting into writing again, for some reason i couldn't write the entire week and i was at home! I'm sick, i could write for hours and i just couldn't! okay anyway lmk what you think about this, enjoy!! :D]


To say the least, Kai was pretty surprised to see Cole at his doorstep, especially when–

"Oh, sorry, Nya's not at home right now."

"Bummer," sighed Cole. "Well, can I wait for her here? I need to talk to her as soon as possible..."

"Oh– Yeah, of course, come in, man." Kai moved from the way, letting Cole walk into the house. He watched after him, feeling that something must be wrong. Thanks to the fact, that Cole was dating Nya, and that Nya is his sister, he got to know Cole pretty well to realise something was bothering the guy. So, he closed the door and decided to help him with whatever was bothering his mind. He had a strong urge to wipe that frown from his pretty face.

"So," he spoke up, "you need to talk to Nya ASAP..."


"What's that all about?" Cole sighed and sat down at the little table in the kitchen before he got himself to answer.

"I guess you would call it trouble in paradise." He scoffed. "I keep messing up... I'm a terrible boyfriend." There was a thud and some clinks when Cole let his head fall on the table. He groaned in defeat. Seeing this, Kai put two glasses of water he prepared on the table and sat down in a rush to help his sister's boyfriend.

"Hey– hey, don't worry, I'm sure it'll be fine," said Kai in an attempt to reassure him but Cole could only scoff. Of course the always-optimistic guy would be optimistic. Maybe his sceptical side could learn a thing or two from him. Then Kai leaned in and Cole raised his head off the table's desk, they locked eyes for a second before Cole looked away.

"I'm serious, you're a great guy and I know my sister. You'll resolve this, just like you resolved tons of disagreements before." Easier said than done, right? Everything seemed so messy in Cole's mind. To be honest, he wasn't even sure how he wanted it to end. There were two ways – kiss and make up or break up, so which one was the best? This certainly did not help the stress he was already feeling.

"Cole, look at me, please." So Cole did. He hated to admit it, but he couldn't say no to Kai, especially not when he talked with that... super soft, comforting voice. And then he felt Kai put his hand on his own. It felt warm and soothing and he liked how the feeling slowly started to spread through his entire body. But he can't get lulled like that by him. He has to keep a sharp and steady mind. And still, the warmth made him want to melt into it on the spot.

"You're a great guy, you hear me? Nya would be stupid to throw that away. You're always so... sweet, and caring. I mean you would do anything for her... you already do so much... Remember when you spent an entire week by her side when she was sick? You were practically living here. And I told you countless times I'll look after her," Kai ranted and Cole listened, scanning the table with his eyes. "And you're like... the best-looking dude in our entire school, I guarantee you that. I mean, didn't you win the king of the prom? What? Like... two times already? I swear Nya must love brushing her fingers through your hair and..." Cole looked up, making Kai hesitate for a moment. "Looking into your eyes... and seeing and making you smile... and you... have such a great body too, you know. You're like... a whole all-inclusive package. You're so awesome and so... I mean... every time I look at you, I... I..."

"You?" Cole couldn't breathe with Kai's face being so close to his very own. He wanted him to go on. Or maybe not, he wasn't actually sure at all of anything at the peculiar moment. The movement of Kai's lips was just so hypnotizing, he couldn't not stare at them.

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