🜃 | cuts

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[in love with the idea of kai tending to cole's wounds... i'm not even sure how i thought of it]

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Impulsivity certainly wasn't one of the traits people associated with him. He always preferred to go through plans beforehand and think things through at least a little before jumping straight into action. But there were pressing matters at hand and it was the most effective solution he could think of on the fly.

And that's when Cole jumped through the window with nothing but his bare arms to cover his face.

It did work though and the mission was successful, so that's what matters... no need to worry about your bleeding arms when you've stopped the bad guys...

"Oh my god, Cole you're... bleeding a super lot..." Jay's eyes were wide and full of worry, basically like everyone else's. It was starting to get uncomfortable for Cole to be stared at like such. And what could he do? It's not like he can just suck the blood back in like a sponge and pretend nothing happened. And the worst thing was he couldn't even say anything because his teeth were too busy being clenched together as his arms burnt. It was different from the one time Kai accidentally set him on fire.

Cole had to hope no one could see the twitching corners of his lips, otherwise, it might come off as weird. The memory was funny, the current burn of his forearms, however, was not.

That's when Zane stepped in. "Let's go to the infirmary, I'll look after it."

But to everybody's surprise...

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." All's eyes were on Kai, but the fire ninja already had his back to them, walking inside. "Come on, Cole," he called just before disappearing. Cole and the others shared a look, and then the earth ninja shrugged and followed Kai. Why would he refuse something simple as cleaning a few... a lot of cuts?

He found the red ninja in one of the bathrooms, already preparing necessities such as disinfection and bandages. He had a rubbish bin by his leg for aid and Cole wondered how much mess is his reckless thinking going to make.

Well, at least it's not on a regular schedule, unlike Kai's impulsive ideas.

When Kai noticed him standing in the doorway, he beckoned him to the sink and Cole silently followed all of his orders. His eyes were focused on his cut forearms above the sink, as Kai wetted some cloth with water. Little droplets of blood spilt onto the ceramic bowl mixed with clear droplets of water. Raining blood.

He took one of Cole's arms and started cleaning off the spilt blood. Cole just watched as the cloth became redder and redder. Both Kai's hand holding Cole's forearm and the wet cloth were warm and Cole found himself releasing the tension from his muscles. Was that the other's intent? Or perhaps Cole was, once again, getting lost in the closeness and his mind travelled far, far away from the fact that his arms hurt and there were little red droplets finding their way out.

And Kai was silent.

He couldn't help but wonder what the strange acting of the fire ninja meant. He barely ever saw him like that. Maybe except for the moments he witnessed him take care of Nya. Was this a similar situation? Kai, similar to Jay, wasn't the quiet out of the bunch. Even when he focused, even when he was serious, he often talked or did anything to keep himself moving.

This was one of the rare moments in which he was just... silent. He didn't say anything.

And god, did Cole wish Kai would say something, otherwise he will just get lost in the rhythmic breathing, in the sight of the amber irises, in the warmth his body was emitting, in the gentle touches–

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