Blondes Have More Fun

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♫ Blonde - Maisie Peters

"Let me see it one more time," I whine joining my friends on my small twin bed.

"No way," Jade states firmly. But I lunge at her—tackling her. Her long limbs fight me off, but are no match for my feral rage. Pinning her down, I work until I shake the phone out of her hand.

Hastily, I pull the photo back up.

Eye twitching, I stare at the pixelated photo one last time. Emma McKinney planting a kiss onto Jack's perfectly tanned cheek as he stares blankly into the camera. I give it a quick tap and to my surprise, a tag pops up: JXckM00dy853.

My eyes widen as I quickly press onto it, linking me straight to his page—the same page I had been searching days on end for.

There aren't many posts, mostly dumb skateboards or landscapes, so I scroll down quickly, searching for anything of actual interest.

And then, one catches my eye. All the way at the bottom, a photo of him in a nice button-up and tie. He looks younger, his hair shorter, and while I'd love to ogle over him all dressed up, I can't stop gaping at the other person in the photo.

Jack smiles, widely; a strange look for him. His arm is thrown around a small girl whose arms stretch around his waist, hugging him. She's perfect, tiny, smiling and—blonde.

Groaning I toss the phone to the bed, Naila and Jade flocking to it like ducks to bread.

"I'll never have a chance with Jack. He only dates blondes!" I whine.

It's the only explanation. The only reason he's not already madly in love with me is because of my mousy brown hair. That's why he's into Emma—she's blonde, just like his ex.

"Welp—too bad for us," Jade grumbles sarcastically popping the phone back into her pocket.

I collapse back onto the mound of pillows, staring up at my ceiling fan in defeat. If only I were as pretty as them, maybe then—an idea pops into my head.

"I should go blonde," I say springing up onto my bed.

My friends look back at me with scrunched noses as I scramble to my feet. My mom used to bleach her hair before she started going to her new hairstylist, she probably still has some in her bathroom.

"Wait here," I instruct as I storm out of my room on a mission.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jade says one last time, holding up her hands which are covered by my dad's blue gardening gloves.

Sitting cross legged on my small bathroom floor, I pull the gray towel tighter around my shoulders before giving a firm nod. "Yep, I have no choice."

"Why can't I dye mine too?" Naila pouts. I turn my head to her where she's perched onto my toilet, peering down to watch us below her on the floor. "I want Jack Moody to like me too."

Offering her a sigh I explain, "Naila, you're only fifteen. You aren't mature enough for a man like Jack."

She crosses her arms in front of her chest. "What—but you are?" She tilts her curly head at me, raising a thick brow. "You really think you're more mature than me?"

With a shrug I say, "Well, you said it."

"You implied it!" she huffs.

I raise a hand brushing her off. "Oh, whatever. Your mom would kill you if you dyed your hair and we both know it."

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