Delinquent Behaviors

181 23 32

♫ Marlboro Nights - Lonely God

Three whole days since I've last seen Jack Moody. After being busted for pot, he's never returned. The pit in my stomach grows bigger with each passing day.

Was it possible? Has Jack Moody been kicked out of Wilcrest Academy?

Shaking my head, I refuse to accept that fate.

With desperation and an evil plan, I dash down the hall towards the last person I thought I'd ever be turning to for help—Tina Parker.

She sits alone on the wooden bench placed in the hall, white polo stretched two sizes too big. Her dark hair is slicked, held back from her face with two barrettes as she turns her head eavesdropping on every Wilcrest posse's conversations.

"Hey, Tina," I call out and she pops her head up in surprise someone was asking for her.

With a big smile showing off her braces she spits, "Hi Molly!"

"How are you doing?" I sing taking a seat next to her. My attempt to act innocent and natural only adds suspicion as she arches one eyebrow at me.

"What do you want?" she states matter of fact.


With a sigh, I slump against the cool wall behind us. "Well, have you heard anything new about Jack?"

I've only been asking for the past few days, but alas, her answer remains the same. "My sources have gone cold. No new developments."

A groan escapes me. But then I gather myself, ready to drop my devious plan.

If no one knows what's going on with him, it's up to me to crack the case.

"Do you have Jack Moody's address?" I ask in a rush.

Tina looks quickly down to the floor. "Yes—of course. I know everything," she mumbles.

"Great. That's what I thought," I say with a smile. "So, you'll give it to me?"

Wriggling my eyebrows at her, Tina Parker jumps up from the bench. "I'm actually busy right now," she stammers avoiding my face. "I'll bring it to you later."

With that, she starts scurrying off down the hall disappearing into the rest of girls in matching navy skirts. She's an odd one.

But who cares—by tonight, I'll be at the Jack Moody's house.


Stewing, I sit in my chair, watching the clock in detention. It's my last day of punishment for getting high with Jack Moody. And being no stranger to Wilcrest detentions, I've grown accustomed to managing the mind-numbing boredom.

But today, I am furious. Tina Parker disappeared on me. I hadn't seen her all day, not since our conversation on the bench this morning.

And now, I'm stuck with no plan. Looking up, I stare over at Mr. Fisher. He's an ancient man, only a few sprouts of white hair left hanging on to his scalp for dear life.

Not that I should be the one commenting on others hair right now. Mine is still a hot mess.

The classroom door begins to creak open, and I lean forward, anticipating what Wilcrest sucker has got themselves busted next.

A pair of patent leather loafers step in and then a greasy head of scraggly hair.

Tina Parker? In detention? I thought I'd never live to see the day.

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