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"Yes, I promise. Now tell," I eagerly reply, my curiosity reaching its peak.

"You know my brother, Rafe?" she asks, her voice tinged with a mix of uncertainty and concern.

I furrow my brow, trying to recall my memory.

"I haven't had the chance to meet him, but yeah, I know you have a brother," I reply, hoping to provide some reassurance.

"Um so, my brother..." she pauses, her voice trailing off as she searches for the right words. The room falls into a heavy silence.

I can feel the weight of her hesitation, and her gaze slowly falls to the floor, leaving me wondering if it's just a momentary pause or if she has changed her mind about sharing.

I prepare myself to interject, sensing her hesitation, but then she looks up with a short glint of determination in her eyes.

-It's a short but clear moment that proves, she's gonna share.

"He... he killed someone," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. The words hang in the air, and I freeze in my tracks.

I wasn't sure what I expected her to say, but this definitely wasn't it. It sounded like a twisted joke you regret saying.

My mind find it hard to understand the gravity of what she just revealed.

"And now my father is wrongly accusing my boyfriend of the crime, but he's innocent," she explains, her voice filled with a mixture of sadness and frustration.

I can see tears slowly forming in her eyes, threatening to spill over.

"I just... just can't live with it, so I was on my way to my boyfriend, Jone B, to be with him and try to clear his name," she continues, her voice trembling, on the verge of breaking down.

The weight of her words slowly but deeply sinks in, and I struggle to find the right words to comfort her.

"Hey, hey, slow down," I say, my voice gently but firmly, as I try to comprehend the gravity of that sentence.

I need to know if this for real or just a sick joke

"Did I hear you right? Your brother... did he really take someone's life?" I ask, my voice filled with a mix of disbelief and concern.

She nodded slowly and I could feel the seriousness of the situation sinking in, this is insane. No, he's insane.

"That's why we need to leave this place, I don't trust him nor my farther." she explained, her voice trembling as she wiped off tears.

I paused for a moment, contemplating the weight off my options. "I can't go without my parents." I finally answered, my voice barely audible.

I know my parents can be selfish at times, but family is still family. Like, blood is thicker than water. I can't leave them.

It looks like she understood, her eyes darting towards the door. "I see, but I have to go before they catch me sneaking out of my room,"

She was already half out of the room when I called out her name, my voice filled with concern. "Sarah?"

She turned back to look at me. I took a deep breath "I won't tell, you have my word."

her gaze filled with gratitude. "Thank you," she mouthed silently before disappearing through the door.

As the door closed, my smile faded, replaced by a chilling realization. The thought of someone capable of taking a life was deeply unsettling.

-It terrified me to know that we were living under the same roof.

Insane  // Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now