Chapter 7- He Stays?! :D

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"Hey Sunshine." said Niso tiers in his eyes happy his brother's back.

Grian then said:

"Your an asshole Niso."

"Charles! The hell you mean?"Niso asked.

"One- You made me into a child. Two - that what you did was a classical spell. Three- your married and by the looks of your wife you have at least a child. Four- taking me back to the kingdom despite I'm an adult. And five- you spend the last four years fighting? Niso. The war for us takes a few Months to win!  And i like it here. so Your an asshole." Grian explained, wanting to punch his brothers face."On an other note. Not letting me fight in said war despite beating you multiple times in training. and your still terrible at spells."

The others happy and proud of there hermit/admin destroying his brother's pride and ego.

"Dear. He's right. Lets go and let him be. He can shoos his own choices." The wife said. "It was nice to meet you, Grian."

"You too my queen." Grian replied.

The two left the sever letting Grian stay.

(Sorry it's short. Kriss is currently at school doing this.- Shift. (Check the other account for info bout him.) 

Shift, thanks.-Kriss

no problem- Shift)

- Kriss


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