Who is she?

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Faiths POV
As I finish explaining the plan .. Stefan says "and you think that's going to work?" I say "the one thing important to Klaus Mikaelson.. is his ego. He makes everyone else feel inferior.. we have the power to make him feel the same way." There's a silence as I say "so are you in?" As Stefan leans against one of the coffins he says "I'm in." I smirk as.. his phone rings, he says "it's Bonnie." I say "is she part of this?" He says "well she's a witch and only a witch can open that locked coffin." I say "okay. But it's best if no one knows your not working alone... Klaus can't know I'm here yet." He nods as he answers the phone. Bonnie says "Stefan. I've found a way to open the coffin but it means having to track down someone." He says "well whatever you do hurry up." She says "I  'll try." He says "Klaus is getting impatient Bonnie." As he hangs up the phone I say "so who do we think is in the coffin?" He says "i have no idea but it's got to be someone who is a threat to Klaus." I walk towards the coffins and say "and the other two?" He says "those are two of his siblings." I open one of the coffins revealing a daggerred corpse of a brunette man. I mutter "omg Kol." He says "you know him?" I nod and There's a pause before I continue ..  "you know if you were really desperate we could just undagger his siblings... they must have anger towards him." He says "yea but their originals.. in the end would they really choose us over their brother." I shrug and close the coffin. Stefan says "where you staying?" I say "I'll probably just compel myself a house." He says "you know you could always stay in the Salvatore boarding house.. we have plenty of rooms." I raise an eyebrow and say "Stefan Salvatore.. are you asking me to stay with you?" He says "yea- well no- not with me per-say but it might make the plan easier if your around." I smirk and say "what about your brother?" He says "he'll deal." I say "they can't know what's going on Stefan.. we have a plan and the more people we get in on it the more chance we have at it failing." He says "i got it." I say "I'm trusting you because your focused on revenge and you seem to have your humanity off.. emotions getting involved will make this plan fail faster then ever." He smiles slightly as he steps closer to me i say "that's why .. especially no humans, no exceptions."


As Stefan and I walk into the Salvatore house. Damon appears he says "oh I see you two have met." Stefan says "we did." Damon says "and what she's doing here?" Stefan says "she's staying here." Damon says "oh no she's not we don't know one thing about this girl." I say "well actually your brother and I had a talk". He says "my brother is not thinking straight.. his humanity flickering is clouding his judgment." Stefan says "I 'm thinking just fine, brother.. Faith is staying." Damon sighs and says "why exactly?" He says "she has information." Damon says "what? On klaus?" Stefan says "stay out of it brother.. just continue to babysit Elena." As Stefan walks upstairs, I smirk and follow him.


As Stefan sits down on his bed .. i go in and run my fingers over his bookshelf .. he says "so when did you meet Klaus?" I say " 1002." His jaw drops and he says "things must have been incredibly different with him.. back then." I face him and say "well yes. I was in love with him from the moment I saw him, his siblings were not daggered and there were no other vampires." Stefan sits up straight, completely focused, he says "there were no vampires apart from the originals?" I nod and say "they hadn't turned anyone yet.. they didn't really know how it all worked." He says "but you and your siblings .. did Klaus turn you?" I shake my head and say "no Rebekah did." As i step towards Stefan.... He says "why are you telling me this?" I say "because.. we're in this together." He says "but how did you come to hate him so much?" I step closer towards him, stroking his jawline with my finger, I say "theres a fine line between love and hate Stefan." There's silence, as he looks up at me, I rest my hand on his shoulder, I say "how did you and your brother come to hate Katherine?" He scoffs and shakes his head.. but as he looks at me I can tell he understands what I mean. He places a hand on my waist.. as I say "so what did Klaus do to you?" He tips his head back and says "well he saved my brother from a werewolf bite, but I return I had to leave and go with him on a wolf hunt, then we came back to mystic falls and I apparently he felt like I was too attached to my old life so he compelled me to turn it off and bite the girl that means the world to me. And now.. I 'm free from his compulsion but..." I say "you want revenge?" He nods and I say "so the girl.. that was the doppelganger, elena?" He nods again. As I say "but you made it through.. and your humanity is flickering" He stands up and says "nah- I 'm different now." I look at him and say "so am I, Stefan." There's a silence as he stands so close to me, I breath heavily as he stares deeply into my soul. He lifts a finger to his lips and says quietly "listen.." As I listen.. I hear Damon on the phone to Elena and then he leaves. Stefan says "he found the witch we need.. Bonnies mom." I smirk and say "Klaus can't know I 'm with you yet Stef." He says "don't worry- I have a plan." I raise an eyebrow as he leaves, I follow him.

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