Chapter Thirteen

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Klaus sat on the bed, Penny had already showed up with a snack for Jamie when she came in. When she did enter, she looked like she was debating with something as she immediately went for the snack. "Is this the same bed your parents slept in?" Klaus asked, trying to distract her form what she was thinking so hard about?"

"Godric, no," she said with a horrified look as she ate a carrot, "Whenever there's a new Lord and Lady the bed gets changed. I assume this bed is bigger than my parents' because we'll have a third," she theorized.

"Now, what were you thinking about?" Klaus asked. He laid back in the bed , having taken off his shirt and changed into sweatpants, and Jamie climbed in, "Could you tell me about your siblings?" Jamie asked.

Klaus tensed for a second, but relaxed feeling Jamie relaxing against him and held an amused smile as she tried to sneakily grab another carrot, "You really love carrots, don't you?" he teased.

"Blame my animagus," she grumbled.

"It's adorable though," Klaus teased and flinched when Jamie flicked his nipple.

"Siblings," she repeated

Klaus sighed before he told her, she would've found out anyway, "Finn is the oldest, he was more quiet and kept to himself always helping Mother out. Elijah is someone who believes everything he's told. He's noble, extremely noble. Always wears a suit. But he also believes I'm the worst brother ever, but I have my reasons. Then it's me. Then its Kol, he was a bit wild and psychotic. He had anger issues, but I think it's because he gets ignored, but I try to include him. He's my little brother, I lost one, I'm trying not to lose the other. Rebekah falls in love easy. She wants the right person and is so stubborn to believe her newest lover is the right one, but they all use her. Then the youngest was Henrik, he was very adventurous and ambitious, but he wanted to see the werewolves so bad that night," he explained.

"What are their strengths?" Jamie asked quietly...while munching on another carrot.

"Why?" Klaus asked.

"Because I know you all have your problems. You act as the bad guy to them and they don't understand why you do it. You're so use to insulting them, what are their strengths?" Jamie asked.

Klaus thought about it for a second, "Finn is the one that seems to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders and wants to give up. He doesn't like what we are. He doesn't like taking a life, he's kind like that, but I've seen a bit of the Mikaelson temper appear. Elijah goes off on his own. Lately I can't think of anything good to say about him. After he let Katerina go the night before the ritual, I couldn't really trust him. He thinks he's protecting his younger siblings, even did it when we were human, but now that I think about it, it was more of Finn's thing. Finn would try to call Mikael away when he got angry with me. Kol was the fun one, he loved his magic. He was heartbroken when he lost it...Finn was too actually. Kol had a temper, but I know it was because he wanted to have some freedom and me trying to keep him safe ruined that. Rebekah wants attention, she wants attention from her brothers, but Elijah was always looking for me, Kol was off killing someone, and Finn was depressed. I was the "bad guy" so she would end up insulting me. They all insult me. Sometimes it reminds me of Mikael, sometimes I have a flashback when one throws a punch. I've never thrown the first punch, it was always them," he explained quietly, "I think they blame me for Henrik."

Jamie turned her head to look up at him, "I did find out something, and apparently Finn kept something from you all," she admitted.

"What?" Klaus asked.

"Bates?" Jamie called.

An elf popped in, "Yes Mistress Jamie?"

"Could I have the book on the Mikaelsons?" Jamie asked. Bates nodded his head before popping away to search for the book. Jamie sat up as she waited, Klaus following as his curiosity was now peaked. What hadn't he been told?

"Well, your mother's more of a bitch than you thought and it may contribute to Finn's depression," Jamie said.


"In the book about your family, and you can read it yourself if you need too, your mother made a deal with her sister," Jamie started and Bates popped back in with the book. Jamie excused Bates and turned back to Klaus who had a stunned look on his face, "I have an aunt?" he asked.

"Yes, you have aunt. The deal was Dahlia, your aunt, would do a spell to allow Esther more children. The consequence of that is Dahlia takes the first born child. If any of Esther's children have children, she gets the first born child..."Jamie paused when Klaus' vampire face made his appearance out of anger.

"What does she do?" Klaus growled out.

"She feeds off the magic of the child," Jamie answered.

"I have an older sibling?"

"Finn has a twin sister," Jamie told him quietly.

"You said "has". She's still alive?" Klaus asked.

"Yes, because Dahlia's feeding her magic. Mikaelson first borns are said to have very powerful magic. My line is a powerful one, also powerful with dark magic with the association we have with Death. Our child is going to be very powerful tribrid, or even more when they get there creature inheritance and become a necromancer. We have to deal with Dumbledore and Dahlia...hehe Double D's," Jamie explained, giggling at her dirty mind at the end.

Klaus chuckled at the dirty minded thought before looking at the book at the mention of Freya Mikaelson. "She is safe, she's just been asleep," Jamie explained.

Klaus looked up, "But does she know what happened?"

"I asked my ancestors to send her messages about what Mikael had done to you and what Esther did to all of you. I don't know how she'll take it because I'm also requesting that they explain why you were daggering them. I don't know how we can free her, but my magic is going to be iffy in the next few months because of the baby," Jamie explained.

"We are not getting her if it risks you and the baby," Klaus told her in a stern tone.


"After," Klaus agreed.

Jamie laid down again, cuddled up with Klaus. She drifted off to sleep and found herself in a forest. In front of her with a boy, about ten or eleven in front of her. He had clothes that looked like they clawed to pieces and his brown hair was a mess. He turned around to face Jamie. "You're Henrik, aren't you?" she asked the boy.

The boy nodded and looks at her stomach, "And you're my new mother."

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