Chapter 20

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"He's got five total," Bellatrix said.

"We have access to two, Helga Hufflepuff's chalice and Salazar Slytherin's locket," Andromeda asked.

"And we know the location of two," Narcissa added.

"Actually, we know the other three, the other is just difficult to get too," Bellatrix corrected.

"What are horcruxes?" Mikael asked, stepping into the room trying to ignore the small flinch Niklaus gave off.

Jamie squeezed Klaus' hand in comfort as she spoke, noticing Marcel's confused look and Freya's paling look. The immortal witch probably suspected it was something bad. "To understand the danger level, I believe Kol would've loved to have messed with them," she said making the stepfather-stepson duo look at her with wide eyes. "But if he had gotten involved, he would've created a bigger massacre than what I've heard he's done."

"Is that they're not awake?" Marcel asked.

"I've not really had the time, Marcellus," Klaus said.

"He wants all big threats removed first. Mikael was one," Mikael nodded in agreement, not offended, "My unstable godfather would be another one. They may be the Originals but magic can still affect them," Jamie explained.

"He's taking the place of the older sibling," Sirius added with Bellatrix nodding.

"How? By daggering them?"

"By making himself seem like the villain because people won't listen," Bellatrix said, "Remember, Marcel, you've been compelled for a while. You can think for yourself now. If you put yourself in your father—don't deny it, he raised you—and you have this threat and your only one that realizes the danger. Your oldest sibling doesn't care and wants the threat to get him because he feels he doesn't deserve to live. Your next oldest keeps antagonizing you because they think you're being paranoid. Then it's on you to do something including the tantrum-prone sister and the angry younger brother. Would you do what you need to do by keeping them out of the picture until the threats are gone?" Bellatrix explained.

Marcel paused and looked between the two cousins. He could tell from the brunette and blonde women behind Bellatrix and the young black haired male behind Sirius and how natural it kind of seemed, Marcel understood those two were older siblings. Putting himself into the situation, he understood. "What have you two done?" he asked in curiosity.

"I almost castrated Luci here when he made Cissa cry. Then I realized he had a compulsion on him," Bellatrix said.

"I haven't done anything drastic yet, but I'm gonna help Reggie with his Occlumency shields based off who is soulmate is," Sirius said with pursed lips, "Especially after what I'm learning about her."

"Rebekah?" Mikael, Freya, and Marcel question.

"Oh yeah, I will not put up with my brother dealing with her tantrums," Sirius growled out. Regulus grumbled about not wanting to deal with it either.

Klaus nodded, "I think he could put up with her," he admitted.

"You could put a protective ward up for Reggie. Rebekah didn't tap into her magic so she wouldn't have that protection," Jamie added.

"Horcruxes?" Mikael questioned again. He was disappointed in how his daughter had become, but he hoped she would mellow out if Regulus was her soulmate because he was slightly worried about that crazed look in Sirius' eye.

"It's a dark piece of magic that allows you to split your soul into items. You can only cast that spell by committing murder. Tom hadn't gotten his Occlumency walls strong enough—protection from mind reading," Jamie explained quickly seeing a few looks of confusion, "against Dumbledore's Legiliemency—reading the mind—skills. Dumbledore uses it on everyone which is another reason why your other children aren't awake. If Esther is so easly in Finn's mind when Finn did have magic, how well do you think Dumbledore could get in the mind of an Original?"

"And with how unstable Tom is, it would be best to wait until he's sane," Lucius added.

Mikael nodded, "How do we make him sane?"

"All of his horcruxes need to be combined into one and when the time comes he needs to aim the Killing Curse at the reincarnated one's pendant," Pandora said, going into a dreamy tone.

"WHAT?!" Nik and Jamie suddenly freaked out.

"Turns out Jamie got pregnant with Nik's child and it's a reincarnation of Henrik," Freya told a confused Mikael.


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