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Walking around at night during an apocalypse is probably not the smartest idea but I needed to go on a food run. The house I'm staying at ran out.

Did I ever think a zombie apocalypse would happen in my lifetime? No. Did I think my entire family would be killed? Also no.

September 7th, 2137 is when this all started. It's now January of 2139 and the temperature in Florida gets cold but not unbearable.

I walk past all the abandoned cars and decaying bodies. As a doctor, I'm used to seeing bodies but the smell is something I will never get used to. I reach in my pocket and take out my vanilla extract, putting some under my nose to block out the dead body smells.

I look up from putting my vanilla away and see a huge group of Sprinters coming my way.

"Shit," I cuss under my breath.

Now these aren't the zombies you see in most movies, they sprint, which is why I call them Sprinters. Imagine a corpse barreling after you. It's horrifying. I see one of them start running towards me and book it into the forest. I glance behind me and see that entire group sprinting after me.

My feet slap against the dead leaves and sticks. I'm gasping for air and weaving between trees trying to find someplace for me to go. My eyes scan the woods and as far as the eye can see, there's just trees. If I climb one, I'll be stuck up there for who knows how long. My only choice is to just keep running.

I look behind me and see them closer and cuss. I suddenly hear a motor and look to my right. I see a man on a dirt bike, approaching and thank God. He stops in front of me, "Hurry!"

I hop on behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. He speeds off right before the Sprinters reach us. I look behind us and see them getting further and further. I rest my forehead on his back and try to catch my breath.

He's driving for a while before we reach a shed looking thing and he parks his bike in it. I get off and he grabs leaves to cover it up, making it look run down and unused.

"Hey, thanks for saving my ass but I should find my way back."

He takes his helmet off and grabs my wrist leading me into the forest behind the shed.

"Wait- Let go!" I struggle against his grip as he pulls me somewhere. He sighs and pulls me in front of him, "I'm still trying to save your ass."

I pull my gun out of the waistband of my pants and put it up against his head, "I can handle myself from here. Let go."

He keeps his eyes on mine and his grip on my wrist doesn't loosen. He's at least a head taller and looks stronger than me. I probably shouldn't have pulled a gun on him.

I suddenly feel something press up against my stomach and look down. He has returned the favor.

"Quit this bullshit, I'm trying to help you."

"I don't trust you."

"I don't trust you either but I'm willing to take a risk here to save your life."

I begin to hear groans of Sprinters in the distance and look behind me. I don't see them yet, but I will.

I reluctantly drop my gun and he puts his away before taking me to a bush. He pulls on it and a square door reveals a dark hole.

"Ladies first."

I glance between him and the hole. This could either kill me or save me. I go against everything screaming at me to run and lower myself down the ladder. He follows and closes and locks the door. I turn around and see that I'm standing in an underground bunker.

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