Revelry 3

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I open my bedroom door and look up and down the hallway, since the guards are changing shifts, I have a one minute window to leave my room without being seen. I pull my black hood over my head and slip out, silently shutting my door behind me. I quickly turn around the corner, pressing my back against it as I listen for any movement. When I don't, I turn around and open the secret door in the wall. I quickly enter the hidden passageway before shutting the door behind me. I'm engulfed into darkness but I've done this enough times that I don't need light to find my way. I walk down the winding hallway until I reach the stairs. I go down six flights before being met with two tunnels. I go left and walk some more.

Eventually, I see moonlight streaming in through a grate. I take out the key and unlock the padlock. I open the grate like a door and step out into a forest outside of the castle. I close and lock the grate behind me before walking the trail I've made after so many years. I'm lost in my head as I make my way to the cliffs.

When my parents died five years ago, I took over. Edmund wasn't even close to ready and he was taking their deaths particularly hard. He went out drinking and partying almost every night. Someone had to run our country. I ruled for five years and loved every second of it. It just felt right. I knew what to do and when, I listened to our people and kept an eye on enemy forces. I kept our country alive and well. We were able to develop more advanced weaponry to protect our borders. Technology advanced further, making everyday life easier for my people. We prospered under my rule. I was forced to step aside so Edmund could take his "rightful place" as King a few months ago. He has no idea what he's doing. He's going to destroy everything I dedicated five years of my life to.

I reach a clearing, right before the cliffs. I keep walking until I'm standing close to the edge, looking out at the ocean. I put my hands in my pockets and close my eyes, listening to the waves crash into the rocks at the bottom. The salty air gently whispers past my face. I let the wind tangle my long, dark hair. It ruffles my clothes and cools my skin.

I open my eyes and let my head fall back looking at the moon. When I catch movement out of the corner of my eye, I don't immediately look over. I face forward, watching where I saw it in my peripheral. When I watch the figure stand, I realize it's human and slide the dagger in my sleeve into my hand. My heart races as I watch them inch closer. When they get close enough, I quickly turn my body as I throw the knife. When I hear a man crying out and then a faint thump as he hits the ground, I pull out my other dagger. My heart stops when a hand wraps around the hand I hold my dagger in.

"Give me the dagger."


My breathing picks up and I whirl around. He stands incredibly close to me and I tighten my grip. So close, I can smell his familiar scent. He smells of pine and some cologne. Whatever it is, it's entirely unique to him and, good gods, he smells so good.

"Call them off."

Anger lights up his eyes before he turns his head.

"Clear out!" He yells.

My mouth opens in shock as at least 10 men step out of the woodwork. One of them helping the man I threw my knife into. I should've been paying attention. I look back at the man in front of me. Fury fills my body and controls my movements. I shove him down to the ground and he lands with a grunt. I quickly climb on top of him, pinning him down with my body. I hold the dagger to his throat, leaning over him, daring him to try something.

"What the hell are you playing at??" I shout.

He stares up at me, his body stiff, "If you don't move your dagger-"

"You'll what??" I taunt, "I'm not afraid of you, Ryle."

He goes to grab my dagger but I twist it around and cut his palm. He sucks air between his teeth, keeping his eyes on mine.

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